P. 44

Telling a story                                There  I  stood,  wearing  a  surgical  mask,

                   We  all  enjoy  stories—especially  if  they   in the middle of a large, brightly lit room.
                   are provocative, dramatic, or suspenseful.     In  the  center  of  the  room  were  five
                   You  can  also  use  stories  based  on  your   figures  huddled  over  a  table.  I  found  it
                   personal experience.                           difficult  to  see  since  everything  was
                                                                  draped  in  blue  sheets,  yet  I  didn’t  dare
                                                                  take a step toward the table. Then one of
                                                                  the figures called to me, “Angela, get over
                                                                  here  and  take  a  closer  look.”  My  knees
                                                                  buckled  as  I  walked  through  the  sterile
                                                                  environment. But eventually I was there,
                                                                  standing over an unconscious body in the
                                                                  operating room.
                    Telling a joke                                “Don’t you think it’s amazing that 200 of

                   Humor is effective only when  done well.       us all came together  tonight and we all
                   It should flow naturally out of the speech     chose the same meal?”
                   content  rather  than  being  contrived.  If   -- you’re at a formal dinner setting, and
                   you are not normally a funny person, you       everyone’s  getting  the  same  meal  or
                   are   better    off   giving   a   sincere,    they have two alternating meals,--
                   enthusiastic  speech  and  leaving  out  the

                                                                   Taken and adapted from: The Art of Public Speaking 11  Edition
                  3.    Revealing  the  topic  of  the  speech  and  mentioning  the  thesis
                        After listening to the attention grabber, the audience will be eager to hear more
                  about our secret. In addition to gaining attention and interest, the introduction should
                  orient our listeners toward the subject matter of our speech. This is the moment when
                  we  reveal  the  topic  and  mention  the  thesis  statement  of  our  speech.  In  this  part,  we
                  state the title or the purpose of our speech (revealing the topic) as well as our stance
                  or  position  about  the  topic  (thesis  statement).  Thesis  statement  is  the  specific
                  purpose  of a  speech  or  the  major  thought.  It  is  also  our  promise  to  the  audience
                  because  we  can’t  discuss  other  things  beside  our  thesis  statement. Other  rasons  why
                  thesis statement is importants are:
                          Not  only  will  we  use  it  in  the  introduction,  it  will  also  be  stated  in  the
                          It will help the audience remember overall idea of our speech.
                        In revealing the topic of the speech and mentioning the thesis statement, we will
                  usually need to provide an explicit preview statement that identifies the main points to
                  be discussed in the body of our speech.
                  For example:

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