P. 43

People  are  curious.  One  way  to  draw      You can have it for years and never know
                   them into your speech is with a series of      until  it  kills  you.  Some  73  million
                   statements that progressively whet their       Americans have this disease, and 300,000

                   curiosity about the subject of the speech.     will  die  from  it  before  the  year  is  out.
                                                                  Odds are that five of us in this class have
                                                                  it. What am I talking about? Not cancer.
                                                                  Not AIDS. Not heart disease. I am talking
                                                                  about      hypertension—high        blood
                   Asking questions the audience                a. How would you respond if a loved one

                   Asking  a  rhetorical  question  is  another     was  the  victim  of  terrorism?  What
                   way to  get your  listeners thinking about       would  you  think  if  you  went  to  the
                   your speech. Sometimes a single question         doctor because you were ill and she told
                   will do.                                         you to watch Modern Family as part of
                                                                    your treatment?

                   When  using  this  technique,  be  sure  to   b. Have  you  ever  spent  a  sleepless  night
                   pause  for  just  a  moment  after  each         studying  for  an  exam?  Can  you
                   question. This adds dramatic impact and          remember  rushing  to  finish  a  term
                   gives  the  question  time  to  sink  in.  The   paper  because  you  waited  too  long  to
                   audience,    of   course,    will   answer       start  writing  it?  Do  you  often  feel
                   mentally—not out loud.                           overwhelmed by all the things you have
                                                                    to  get  done  at  school?  At  work?  At
                                                                    home?  If  so,  you  may  be  the  victim  of
                                                                    poor  time  management.  Fortunately,
                                                                    there  are  proven  strategies  you  can
                                                                    follow to use your time more effectively
                                                                    and to keep control of your life.

                   Beginning with a quotation                     “It  is  a  moment  I  will  never  forget.  I
                   Another  way  to  arouse  the  interest  of    glimpsed  a  flash  of  color  in  the  thicket,
                   your audience is to start with an attention    and then I saw it—a Bachman’s Warbler,
                   getting  quotation.  You  need  not  use  a    one of the rarest birds in all of America. I
                   famous quotation.                              was  so  excited  I  could  barely  keep  my
                                                                  binoculars from shaking.” This statement
                   One  thing  to  remember  is  that  opening    was made by my father. He is just one of
                   your speech with a lengthy quotation is a      the  millions  of  people  who  have
                   sure way to set your audience yawning.         discovered the joys of bird-watching.

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