P. 38

Task 2.3
                  Answer these questions based on the text.
                         1. How does the writer/speaker start his speech?
                         2. How  many  arguments  given  by  the  writer/speaker  to  support  his
                             stance/opinion? What are they?
                         3. Why  does  the  writer  mention  several  women’s  scholar  name  in  his  speech
                         4. How does the writer/speaker organize each of his arguments?
                         5. How does the writer/speaker organize his conclusion?
                         6. Overall, do you agree with the writer’s opinion? State your answer by using
                             the expression of giving opinion as well as the expression of agreement and

                  Task 2.4
                  GAMES: What’s your point of view?
                  In this game, students will practice to state their opinion and argument with the phrases
                  given in the previous section.
                         -  Your teacher will divide the class in groups and each group will consist of 5-7
                         -  Each  group  will  perform  in  front  of  the  class,  stating  their  opinion  and
                             argument toward issues given by the teacher.
                         -  The students MUST use the expression of expressing opinion as well as the
                             clauses of building argument.
                         -  The topic may also be given by fellow students.

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