P. 41
Persuasive Speech Text Making
In this unit, you will be able to write a good persuasive speech text.
A Introduction (Introductory Paragraph)
1. Greeting the audience
Delivering a speech is a verbal and formal communication. Therefore, greeting our
audience is a must. Here are the examples of greetings that we can use to start our
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Good Morning
Good afternoon
Good evening
Good day
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen
Good day, all of the audience
Good afternoon, everyone (less formal)
2. Getting attention and interest of the audience
First impressions are important. One of the ways to impress the audience is by
gaining their attention in the introduction. Gaining attention and interest can be done in
several ways. We can show the importance of our topic, especially as it relates to our
audience. We can startle or question our audience or arouse their curiosity.
We can begin with a quotation or a story. Be sure to state the topic of our speech
clearly in your introduction so the audience knows where the speech is going.
Establishing credibility means that we tell the audience why we are qualified to speak on
the topic at hand. Establishing goodwill may be necessary if our point of view is
unpopular. Previewing the body of the speech helps the audience listen effectively and
Public Speaking | 35