P. 37
the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women supported by UN Women; in
national level, we have Indonesian Law Number 7 of 1984 on Women Rights Policy supported by
the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Children Protection Republic of Indonesia. To be
concluded that those existing legal framework have been enforcing and regulating the women
protection implementation in which compel us to take action to eliminate the discrimination and
violence against women.
The third reason is that women have equal rights to men. The reason why I argue this idea
is that as women are human beings and guaranteed to possess special rights based on existing legal
framework; thus there are so called women rights and gender equality which is contradicted with
the understanding and practice of discrimination and violence against women. To strengthen my
argument,(7) ................................................................................................................................................. In the
future,(8) .............................................................................................................................................................. In term of
education, the government today provides an education for women as high as men, it can be proven
through the education rate of women in Indonesia is almost the same with education rate of men.
In addition, nowadays we can see there are a lot of female scholars in Indonesia for example Sri
Mulyani Indriwati, our Minister of Finance, Mama Dede, Indonesia Female Muslim scholar and
many more. In regard to economic development, today there are many SMEs ran by women which
provide them a network for women economic empowerment. In Scandinavian countries, we can see
that even the political participation between men and women is slightly the same in numbers.
These situations reflect us that as there are women rights and gender equality,(9)
In conclusion, from all arguments previously I can sum up that there are three reasons why
the discrimination and violence against women should be eliminated. These are because women
are victims of close-minded people, women are also human beings, and women have equal rights to
men. To complete my speech today, I would like to suggest you that (10)
........................................................................................................................ Let’s start to take action to bring women
together and therefore we all human beings, men and women can live in peace together.
I think that’s all from me, and now I would like to give an opportunity for the audience that
probably have question about my speech. Please!
Wassalamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
A. by the abundant evidences, it is only fair F. From my point of view, the close-minded
to eliminate the discrimination and people refer to the people who refuse
violence against them. the existence and role of women and
treat them inappropriately in today’s
B. The evidence of me stating that G. we can also help to eliminate the
argument is that we have the Universal discrimination and violence against
Declaration on Human Rights of 1948 women by promoting and protecting the
women rights in our daily life
C. what is so called as discrimination and H. Based on what we have seen in the
violence against women should be reality, I couldn’t agree more to
eliminated eliminate the discrimination against
D. a feminist activist who believes that I. I would say that women rights and
there is no big wall separating woman gender equality will require the freedom
and man to live in peace together for women to express their opinion and
E. I think this phenomenon is definitely not J. these things will provide them the equal
making any sense to be happening these opportunity to get education, economic
days development and even political
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