P. 6

PAPER PRESENTATION              2019

                 No     Research paper component                           Function
                1      Abstract                       This part summarizes the major aspects of the
                                                      entire paper including background (optional),
                                                      purpose, research methods, summary              of
                                                      results, and implications
                2      Introduction                   This section identifies topic, highlights issues,
                                                      shows gap, states research goals, and poses
                                                      research questions

                3      Literature   review            This    section    includes    more    developed
                                                      discussions of theoretical framework which
                                                      involves definitions, histories, and/or theories
                                                      as well as empirical review which presents
                                                      previous studies.

                4      Research Methods               This part explains clearly how the research is
                                                      carried out by highlighting research design,
                                                      research         instruments,        participants,
                                                      procedures, and data analysis
                5      Results (Quantitative)         This part reports the findings of the study
                       Findings (Qualitative)         elaborated by data presentation and reading
                6      Discussion                     This section gives interpretation of the results
                                                      by summarizing the major results, relating
                                                      them to similar studies, and giving new
                7      Conclusion                     This part consists of the summary of the main
                                                      findings, implications, and recommendations
                8      References                     This part gives an alphabetical listing (by first
                                                      author's last name) of the references that the
                                                      writer actually cited in the body of his/her

                9      Appendices (if   necessary)    This part an optional part of the paper which
                                                      may present information that further clarifies
                                                      previous explanation such as questionnaire,
                                                      interview protocols, extra photographs, and so

                 Note : The elements of a research-based paper presented in the above table will
                 be further discussed in the next units of this book.

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