Page 39 - MODUL FCN full
P. 39

Listening &Viewing

                 Noting-down patient’s details communicated through ISBAR

                   Listen to three types of patient handovers and complete the missing information of the patient’s
                   condition with the words & phrases provided in the box.
               Handover 1: ambulance crew to an emergency department.

                                                      fractured             the stroke team
                                                      a space               call line
                                                      callsign              resuscitation room
                                                      resurrection room     balance
                                                      facial droop          the strong team

                                                Hi, this is Roland and my 1) ………………………………… is one. I am calling
                                               to request a space in your 2) ………………………………………………… for my

                     patient Edith. And we should be there in about 10 minutes. The background is Edith, 72 years old,
                     lost her 3) …………………………………  and fell in her bathroom. My assessment is her Early Warning Score

                     is currently one. She 4) …………………………………  her left ankle from clinical assessment but also has a
                     left-sided 5) ……………………… ………………………..… and altered speech which a family says is new. My

                     recommendation is that 6) ………………………………………………… be made available in the resuscitation
                     room, that the stroke team be informed and that 7) …………………………………  be on standby in order to

                     manage all of these; all of the problems this lady has simultaneously. Do you have any questions?

               Handover 2: healthcare assistant to an emergency nurse

                                                       stroke                treatment
                                                       initial checkup       ECG

                                                       has broken            assessment bay
                                                       potassium             EKG
                                                       assessment bed        initial workup

                                                  I’m  Mifune  and  I'm  working  in  the  1)  ……………………
                                                ……………………………, and I'm here to ask you to check the Blood and 2)

                     ………………………  of Edith. The background is Edith had a fall and 3) ………………………………………..…….  her
                     ankle and she may have had a 4) ……………….…………   as well. She's in the assessment Bay. and as part

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