Page 30 - Reading And Listening
P. 30
everyone is in great in their own way. Also everyone is supportive and helpful that my nerves go
away super quick. Whenever I am not sure of how to do something, I know someone around me
will be more than willing to help me out and it makes me so glad that I am able to do the same
for others as well.
I highly recommend joining at least one group in college, whether it can be academic club,
an intramural sport, Greek life or anything in between. Being in an organizations helps me to meet
new people, especially upperclassmen who are in the same path that I plan to take. I get some
of best advice from theses people, especially which classes not to take and which professors are
the best.
Theses groups also makes college more like a home away from home. Group socials, fund
raisers and weekly practices give me more meaning to my schedule and definitely give me
something to do. It’s nice to have stuff like that to look forward to, and most weeks it’s a great
chance to relieve some stress and tension.
I am also thankful for some of the friends I make in the groups that I am a part of. I know
that no matter how busy my schedule gets outside of practice, I will always have those days to
look forward to. Getting to socialize with the friends I have made while doing something that I love
means the world me this past semester.
So, to the high school seniors who are about to head off to college or even to the college
underclassmen looking for something new to add to their schedule, join a club or an organization.
I know it sound like typical college adviser statement, but I promise being a part of a group on
campus will enrich your overall experience and it will certainly add to your resume. Most groups
will provide you with leadership opportunities if you choose to take them, so that definitely help as
well. It’s just such a great way to meet new people and do something that makes you happy
every week.
I am so happy that I took the leap and decided to join Miami Dance Corp. I am thankful
to each and every other dancer in the group, and I am proud to be surrounded by so many
talented girls each week. Here’s to all of the laughter, throwback tunes and good food!
Adapted from
B. Match the antonym for the words in the left column to the right column.
1. overwhelmed a. harmonized
2. synchronized b. increase
3. opportunity c. drained
4. relieve d. chance
5. Leap e. calm
General English 27