Page 33 - Reading And Listening
P. 33
G. Fill in the blanks with the words from the list. Use each word only once.
present advice enrich
stuck socialize surround
Leaving senior high schools might be hard for some students since they used to gather people
(1)________ them for years. It is better for them to practice this (2)________ : be a member of
an organization or a club. You may choose organization or club that you already have interest
at or one that is new to you. Most of university organizations and clubs always (3)________ their
activity during the student fair. Make good choices to make sure the chosen organization or
clubs will give you not only opportunities to (4)________ your knowledge and soft skill but also
to (5)________ with friends who can make you to be a better individual. So, do not 6)________
to the academic assignment and have some new experiences in the university.
H. Here are six words that are in the reading. Fill in each blank with the best words from the list.
Use each word only once.
supportive proud tension terrified typical
1. My little sister is _________ for her first trip to New Zealand by herself .
2. Freshmen often have their own _________ to have many friends as soon as possible.
3. I am lucky to have _________ parents who let me have less time with them to do fund
4. Most students underestimate _________ suggestions from their seniors .
5. The rector is really _________ of the volleyball team.
I. Small Group Discussion.
The rector of your university assigns your team to establish a new organization that provides
opportunities for students to have soft skill while have fun. Discuss the name of the new
organization, the activities and the reasons why the organization is needed in your university.
Present it in front of the class
General English 30