Page 89 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 89

Part 2                             Part  3
                                                                                 VocabularyWorksheet  32
                                               Answers foradv  ce w llvary.  Sampte
             2. :mergency  ex t row
                                                                                 Part  1
                                               1. acceptable,  make noises  when eattng
                                                                                 Students  shou  d clrclerhe  eightwords.
             4. .he.kyour  uq9a9e
                                               2. be  aware  oi cars b€.alsethey rli  Part  2
                                                 red  iqhts                      Answe6 w ll vary.  Samp  e answer.
                                               3. in.onslderate,  ask how much  a g ft  Why,  mr  r nq, iag, h!9, r,9o,.ab
             8,  lare
                                              4. inappropriate  to,  your  private

                                              5.  insens  tive, sonreone!  s.lary
            Vocabulary  Worksheet  26
                                                 .ustomaryi  take a desse(  or some
            Part I
            2.a           6.d                 Vocabulary  Worksheet 29
            4.9           4,.                 Part 1
                                              l. Referee
            Part 2                                            6,  quaner
            l,  m ssed    6. €xpired          2. halftime     7, blowo]rt
            2. (anceled   7. can.elled        3. shot         8. Tied
            3. down       a,          4, overtime  9. outs.ored
           4. damaged  9. sto en              5. Close       :0. ejecred
                                              Part  2
           5. misp a.ed  (ordamaqed)
                                              2. ejected,  quarter,  shot
           Vo(abularyWorksheet  27
                                              Vocabulary  Worksheet  30
           Part  1
                                              Part 1
            3. bed and breakfan               2. 1          6.f
                                                            7, g
            6. keep n9 youroptions  open
                                              Part  2

           11. to!rist attract ons
           12.90  offthe  bearen
           Part  2                            Vo(abulary  Worksheet  3 t
                                              Answe6 wil vary.  Sample answer. Unir
             B: stlck to a budget
           2. A: ounqe  aro!nd,  guided tour
                                              love that advertisement  for so!p. lt
             Br go otrthe  bearen  path
                                              always makes  me wa.t to  9o  home  and
           Vocabulary  Worksheet  28          Inever  pay  attention  to banner  ads.
                                             5ome  peop  e on y bly brand  clothes,
           Part I                             butother  people  donit care so much.
                                             Companies try to learn abour  o!r buying
           1. clstomary 5. a(ceptabte
                                             habits  so thelr adverr  sements  are r.ore
           2. irsensiuve  6. faux pas
           3. lnconslderate 7, inapprop  ate
                                             5ome  people  say itl  (onsumeE  that
                                             drve the world  e.onomy.
           Part  2                           The sto.k market  has a big influen(e  on
           l..ustomary  4. faux pa5          how wealthy people  feel.
                                             lvyfavorite jinqle  sthatonefor.ereal.
           2. be aware of  s. acceptab  e
           3. " nsens rive s best b!1,i.considerare,,
             and "inappropriate'are  a so    compan  es tryto manipulate  people  so
                                             they buytheir  prod!crs.
                                             Pop-up.ds arcannoylng.
                                             "Just do it"is an extremey  popular

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