Page 87 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 87

Pait 2                             Parl  2
              Answe6 wilvary  sample  answer                                       Vocabulary  Worksheet 13
              Manytimes  a day;keep  upwith old
                                                                                   Part  1
              fnend5, pa.ti.ipate  in rocial  networking,  t. suckto it
                                                                                   Answers will  vary.  5a mple  answer.  Unrt
              FDsr  me$ages  on walh, b€ connected
                                                                                    n a pefect  world,  everyone  has a Greer
              Once  a day:share inksto  videos
                                                                                   paththat  leads to increas ngty tmportant
              Lessthan  once  a day:upoad  photos,taq
                                                                                   jobs,  buttharisnta  ways tle case.
                                                 VocabularyWorksheet  1 I          [,ly dreamjob isto  be an actor
              Part  3                                                              Afterl  gladuate,lwill  g€tanentrytevet
              Answe6  wi I vnrySample  answer                                      job ina buslne$  conlpany.
                                                 Part  1
              1. keep upwith old frtende                                            n the lonq-term,  I wa nr to become  an
                                                 Students  rhou  d  (ircle  al eightwordr  n
              2. upload photos  ofme  on a rnore                                   erec!tive  ih an irternational bustness,
                Prlvate  lnternetsite                                              When  a po5ltion  is open,  conrpanles
              3. share  I nks to videos          Part  2                           advertisefor  newemp oy€es  on the
                                                Answe6 wlll vary.  samp  e a.swer
                                                You,  time,spend,  mr.rch, watchlng, time.  l\,,ldst peopledontget  a promotion  in
              Vocabulary  Worksheet  9                                             the firsi  year  oftheirjob.
                                                llmlt, what, tq doing,  my
                                                                                   It's had to ask for a raise,  but ifyou dont
                                                                                   ask,  you  may not getit.
              Part  1
              1. g          5.f                 VocabularyWorksheet  t2            l,4y short-term  goalis  to qet  more
              2.e           5.b                                                    conta.G  in rnyiield so when twantio
              3.a           7. d                Part  1                            chanqe job5,  can askrhose peoptefor
              4.h           8.c                 Answers will  vary.  Sample irnswer.
                                                6 energy efficientapplianc€s
              Part  2                                                              Part 2
                                                7 greenhoure  gases                1. posit on   4. promotions
                                                                                   2. short-term  s. long term
                                                I  recycling
              B vegan
                                                2  redLrclng  wasted  energy
              Part  3                              tur.ingofflights  yoLr don't need  VocabularyWorksheet  l4
                                                8 taking publi.  transportation
                                                   taking  the.ity  bus insread ofdrtving
                                                                                   Part  1
             3.  junkfood  (processed  food)
             a. procesred  food  Uunkfmd)
                                                3 redu.lng landfil trash
                                                   using the back side  of paper
                                                5 reducing yd!r.arbon  footprint
                                                  walking to work instead ofdrivifg
                                                                                   Part 2
                                                Part  2
             VocabularyWorksheet  lO                                               Positive:  orqanized,  self slarter, team
                                                Answers wil vary  for partB.Samp  e
             Part  1                                                               Negative:  effi.ient, p€dect  onist
             Answers  wi I vary.  sam ple afswei  Unit                             Depends on the situation:  deraii
                                                  B:they  use specia metals ihnt are in
                                                                                   oriented, m.ilivated,  hard worker
              was  goinqro  90  tothe  movies, but at
                                                2. A:greenhous€  gases             Part  3
             thelast  minute, tdecided  tosray home
                                                  B: if we qettooworied  abouthem,  Alternative answeE  prcvided  ln
                                                  we incrcase our stress, which iin't
             My mom  always saysthere  sso mLrch  good  forour health
             (lutterin   my room  rhat I may  gel  tosr                            1. detall  oriented  lorganized,
                                                3. A: too  k public  tE nsportatio  n
                                                  B:the  locations  and  schedu e5 a.ent  2. efficient  4 team  play€r
             Itwouldn't  be easyto dedutter  rny
                                                  always vely convenlent          3. oerfe.tionist  5. selfsr..rer
             room.  Whqe would  I put e!€ry,thing?
             rvysijter  isvery  neat. Evervthing  has  a
                                                  8: some cities dont  offer  recyclinq,
             pla.e,  and nothing  is ever  olrr cif ptace.
                                                  oryou  have to payfor  itand  not  Vocabulary  Worksheet 1 5
             lomorrow  l'm qoing  to organize  my
                                                  everyone  can afford  it
             People ove  to pro(rastinate.                                        2. touch screen  7. code
             I\lany  people  think ii's easierro give
             up than  to sti*tosomething  thatb
             diffi.ult,  but like a.halleng€.
             lread an advlce.olumn  tharsaid  totidy                                             6. aing up
             up every day forten minures_

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