Page 90 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 90
Confidence Booster Answer KeYs
Instead ofhavjng students alwa]/s be A or B have
them s\\.itch 1br every other Conlidence Booster. 17-20 What are you afraid of?
This will allow them to take turns starting the
conversatlons in Pari 2.
If some pairs finish quickll', have rhem 3.a S.a a.b
personaLize the mat€rial while waitirg.Ior
exarnple, for Confidence Booster 13-I6, haYe
them malte a job description and then take turrs 21-24 The year's best
asking and ansrvering queslions about that job.
, \olr m") wdrr o encourage.trdcn.'.o Jr' r" 2
similar personal experiences after dong 2.a 3.b 4.a 5.b 6.a 7.b
Conlidence Booster 1-4. AIso have them discuss
recent current events after Confidence Boostel
?9-32 25-28 How was your stay?
. To challenge students, ha\-e them create oDe
or more co[versatiols using sorne or all ofthe
responses they didnt use in Part 2. 2.b 1.a 4. a 5 a 5.b 7 b
r qn.(er.,or Parr I cin oe or nd b) .nnD u irg 29-32 Who won the game?
Student A and Student B pn€ics in the Student
Book. 2
2.a 3.a 8.b
1-4 What should ldo?
3.a 7. b 8.a
5'8 Has she changed?
2.a 3.b 4.a 5.b 6.b 7.a a.a
9-12 Lifestyle (hanges
2.b 3.a 4.a s.b 6.a 7.b 8.b
13-16 Seeking a tour guide
2-h 8.b
7A L-.ssons I 32