Page 83 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 83

sp6ak orir4
              30 Hold on.                                                                  Ve'qabulary vvorl€heet.  30

              Par! I

              Matchth€. dr  q!  Se 1e6!qd1..!rr!f$tE6r-.r!4  theddrt,

              l. 4.r4ert           a:tr4$nls wBeor1g  dp oqrrretltiog  tlret &er dlnqt }rsnf &rdsj
                                      tddijr'iioifiethjng6y  uals:;tLtt  bf Btferlgtti
              2. break'in@         b' tq  !r9.  kinQ rE149fh,ng
              1 ctilllal           C' &, tatqta.P€riq}1  F!,"ay  tp &$!.llem  queltip.ns  ahaqt  4  ! Iirlg

              a torce              d. !  ?ets,r-11   ii'ha scps'lqBleth.lrg  b3prp4 iql.daan tell  !dle!

                                      }}i*!ra  iibrrit  lf l f€r'
              5. io\estig$t€       q. q pereqq  rtla d.ocs soð'tflg  th4t ir qglinst  +   hw

              6.  $r3y.lo.urj      €  &Bl&g  !.&at,qynqqncnas  ibw  oq4ethias  yrsuF
               /, vrdun            g.  a p*tsoa  thBt;s hrrn et hllsd bstiaeonl  pr,6d1ret:ilg

              E. ${tn4,is           h. uJ go inru a ptale so   e,jn  'lerl  s{}rnethlng
               Part 3

              ttSeJh3lo1{  IfoFd5Jigri,  &4  1 1rl'.!qarF:Fe  &e   qq$leryqrlo4, lbg mir h,cve lq:Eha-ngertba.lqr}Ii$  9f'
              .thi*o!ds,  \lrir i!.inft uaiihll dfilieirnld!.-I  eli{t4"irta*ile1lre'ronve(adqirt  Wthialdfiler.

              A: Did l(m ie€ *ra( storuahout  the                 {,Lo rrrxeaau&htbl{auselirf'Gbogle

              ts: flotd olr, ota  ,6ir  3&y..' G6ogle9

              .a*  !eah. !-qwq klqw-lhsin,8t{eel  View:qep a?plieatiorln
              nr WB1L afflar}niylr  bqir  !01i1 ilcrsline  thal rlro  -------6-'rner!rlrbbediin,  a,.rd  tqo-I..hjs
                 ielcBgiiigg 'tXsr rse6                  ,  but fieildldril  have an).thi4g  dangtirl* ,'1, lhi,i1l
              &i Qi{.&e   pgBeeres{qb  thiryf

              ,{; WelL &e!.iiL€e                   thr !1ddea!  b.!1i  iht&  wasi!-a4y.elidence  the..bpy-was   ."-esry  a
                 -        1G-'   -_-G-
               B: \4,h4t  dq  tlp.q   (&4n?  Wds.n                 I qeeir,  hd  galr  &erue! oild il higrened tb hirll

               er  '$e!,  he'Fa.rbjrt\  brsq{$q  bpvqs.eyerythir€i  aad hir iliags  rvse tdreu,
               B: So did r}e polire       ,          lhrgu)s?
               At Edei, Thau!t.t6r/r'or1i*a$.rrfht  r, aid tt e,mu m!$  oir GObgi& S8eetvje$:  fteldlitr   ipt,&e  ptc<esf&El

                 '6!qd€,aed.fryq{  ths  $olrl.}fl,

               q  o!tui!.Udj9.!15ty  Prr-s.r Pari\risJriOfl  grantqd  $ repl.odu.(E{pltdass.aem   qsei  Le$oh3o  11
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