Page 80 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 80
Speak Now 4
27 Do you think...? Vocabulary Worksheet 27
Part 1
\\'rite the uords or phrases trom the bori to .onlptete the magazine article.
guided tour tourist attractions hostel bool in advance
stick to a budget bed and breakfast keeping your options open
lounge around budget hotel luxury hotel go offthe beaten path
The World ls Waiting
lfyou arethinking abouttrave ing,you have a lot ofdec sionsto make, bul one ofthe most mportantis:do
you want lo on a luxuriouq va.ation or do vou need to so you
don't spend too much money? The answer to thls question willdetermine a otofyourotherchoices,so
let's look at what oLrr readers have suqqested.
The LuxuryVacation
once you've decided to go on your dream vacatlon, you have to answer another question. Which do you
want, an intimate or a wlth a swimm ng poo where you can
{3) {1)
? Either wa, it makes sense to make reservations. You can get better deals, and you
won't have to worry about whether they have rooms. However, lf you are thlnking about taklng a tou r, our
readers suggert waitinq to make a reservation. By you can talk w th other guests
and then choose the best ha f-dayorfu l-day
Cost lsn't Everything
Even ifyou haveto watch your budget, you can stillhave a qreat vacation. Why not use the t me to make
new friends? You can meet lots offel ow trave ers lf you nay at a . Some requ re a
membership card, 50 and at the same time ask aboultorwhether you need to get a
card before vou arr ve.
Some peop e may not like sharlng a room with strangers, so a is a great a ternative.
It would probably be a good !dea to use the Lnternet to f nd out whlch oire'E best for you. When you are
searching, think about ocation.Doyouwanttobenear otsof ,- ? 0r wou d you prefer
to be alone and ? Find the perfect p ace for you, and then et thd adventures beglnl
- (1rl
Part 2
\\'nte lhe coirect 1\ord or phrasc liom Pari I to conrplete the dialoglres. In class, prirctice the
corversations 1{ith a partner
1, A: Do ,vou thnrk Ne should on this vacation?
B: lt lroukl probably be a good idea to \\..d.j. e--,. brdr, I turrr,'r..\" ye.
on orr credit crrd.
2. A: \\rhai do ),ou l'eel like dolng toda,vT Do ,vou M,aDt to b)' the pool or talic a
ofthc .itr?
B: Urhr don't rve and discor-er unusuai places that most tourists dont go to?
68 Lesson 27 o Oxford Unlversity Press. Permission grantedto reproduceforc assroom use.