Page 77 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 77

24 Have you heard...                           ?                                       Speak  Now4
                                                                                          Vocabulary  Worksheet 24

             Part 1

             Lnscramble  the rvords  belo$,  to march the conect  words ir the box.

              apparently with break.up gossip paparazzi  scandal spotted  the latest

             1. het isetal                                            r. posgsl
            t.  ,Yapnperlat                                           6.

                                                                      7. iwht

             { erakb  pu                                              8.

            Part 2

            \\ilte  th€ r'ords from the box in Pait I ro complete the dialogue beth.ecn t\\.o people working  at a
            sossip magazlne. In cLass,  practjce  the cofl'ersatior  with a pa.her.

            -{: Have  }ou  heard                 on that movie stnr $-ho has jllst  stdrted his owr TV sho$,?
                 -     la-,         n the mlddle  of a press conference  he answered  his ce11 phone.
            B: No wayl  Is that for real?
            A: Yeah- Hls wife rvas calling. and tustead  of,aiting  or calling her back, hc talked  to hcr right there, in frort of

            B: You've  got to be kiddnrgl  hat\ prcrt)  rude.
            -{r A lot ofpeople  are sa,ving thar,  but somc  people are saying  he did a good thing  bccause tlre
                 -      .l-        have becn ibllowing hls r,lFe er€rFtherc.  I hey say he wcs just maLing sure slle lvas OK.
            B: Uiell, why are they tbllolving  her? They  are usuallylooking for a  _       but \-olr knor. the
               saying:  lhere'.s no sn,oke without  fir€_
               lvell, did you kno$'  lhat she was               *-ith  the movie  star's  previous  wiii last n'eek?
               You can't  be seriousl  WlI, rrculd  an ex w-ife and I clLrrert wifc ger rogether?

               Thnti n'hat  ever,vore  wants  to kno\{ lxer  yonet  asking-is  his current wife going  ro
               (ith  the mo\.ie  star? They  think maybe dres  geftiDg advice  from rhe  ex.
               Or maybe she t'ants to b.                  his kds more  often.  and she.s rrying to $,ork  out a \da), tbr
               that to happcn.
               No onc loorvs.  But  rve can  be sure rhe jdcv
                                      -O                      i[         1vill continuc. \\€ ]l never run out ofrhings
               io write  aboutl

            . Oxford Un versity Press. Permission  granted  to reprodu.e  forrlassroom  use.
                                                                                               Lesson  24    55
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