Page 76 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 76
Speak Now 4
23 Did you hear about...? Vocabulaty Workheet 23
Part 1
Read ihe hin$.'dnd put thd w6rds irrto the torect Fltce in therpuzzle'
1. about styles from the post
4. fir)m the past but still popular
6. I1o longer i11 fashion
8. currqotly popuiar
lL. i1o lenger cudeot
12. loots gqod
13. lo cha[ge to stq. curre t
wlth trcnds
t4. following curent treids
2- cu.reltly populAr but ma), chadge !o!n
3. not oldj ahout the plesent timg
.5- not pdpulai
7. d pe.!rc.n who othef?eople follow
9. ha.,,illg the mosl curre[L sty]es
10. fiitlo*ing cuadnt fxshion
14- lopular- norr
Lerson 23 q Orford LJ n iversity Piess. Permission rantEd to iepro!fuie for ataisroom U5e.