Page 72 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 72
sp€ak }dow 4
19 lf I could go anywhere. . . VocabularyWqrksheet I9
Part I
Match the ,ords on the left $,ith their meanings on the Iight.
l. cr€ate a. td make things (ljk ideaJ,.soflwarc, arid buildings) bigger or dear€r ater time
2- discovei b. to look it ordirdy something carelully
3. deYelop c- iq n]ake something, espe€ially art. forthe first tirne
4. establish d. to make a story o lrachine far the ilst tjme
5, e{plore e. to charge saInethillg so much that i!'s
6. reYolutionize f to 1nake soi'tething otable ot more accepted
7. invent g. to firld something for the first time
Part 2
Cir.le [ha cctieat ord to coiinpldte each tentence.
1. rMtchalangelo (.r"edle d / .1e|elaP.d / in\|ente the Painting' flre Lsr lrdgflezl betl'een 1536 and 1541'
2. The first hicrow.ive o'"en\\ai lexplored./ re,/alLLtnxklzed / i vefted) in 1945.
3. The clmpxtex a]rd the l]I1lernet (uentei / re1|ollltionized / exPldre{) thr way rve communicate with people'
4. Ther€ are siill stars and planlts that we ha1'e \ot (ereated / discorered / revolutio ized) .
5. Before the londor Qlyn$ics, they (derelops, / inlcrted / established). the Velodrome for the cy:ling event.
6. The first Ol)trrpics *erc {liscov,:red/ established / d.v.loPed} tn 776 P)C
7. Humans have oDIy ('disco|ered / e.xPLared / esraflished) five Peraent ofihe woild's ocealls.
Part 3
Complete the serteBces with the bold woids *dm P,rr I -
L IfI could an'tliag, I'd find a cure for canqer.
2. lfI coultl go anpvhere, Id $Jme eav€s in Chitu ihat hav€ tever beei visited beforc,
3. lf I could a piece of ort, I r'ould l114ke a slatue.
4, If I cquld ma\e a new laset, I could the wav scientidts look for the rxins from
ancient culturas.
5. I think it would be diffrcult to a coinpany &at can competeih the smart Phorc market.
6. lfI were a.sciedist. Id tIYto a titue travil machine.
7. If I could soqething, IA make a more efticiert machine for cat€hing th€ Pdwer of
the ocea{
60 Lesson 19 B Or4ord UniveEity Presr. Permission granted to reproducefor classroam us€.