Page 69 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 69
Speak Now 4
16 l'm here to talk about. . .
Vocabulary Worksheet 16
Part I
lialch thc vords on the left \\'ith rheir definitions on rhe right.
l- rehearse to talk about vour co pan,r. or co workers' bad poirts
L research a paper thxt lists all ofvour job cxperie ces
-1. preparc to l\'ear rppropriate .ldhes (tor cx.rn1ple, ro not ll,ear jeans :rnd .r r slirt)
fr actice b€fore so.rethl]]g
5. be purctual to looli directl\'ar rhe pL.rson
6. dress professionally to nor be too worricd or elritcd
a short lctter to tell somcolre apprcciate sorrerhing
S. stay calm to tlnd oLLl inforrratiorl, br enimple, b,v using the irlterner
9. say negative thiDgs
10. thank you [ote to get rendy lbr something
Part 2
Use the bold *.ords fiorn l)drt I to .omplete the mag,rzlnc xd\i.e colurrr. you rna,v have ro .hnnge the
,r rj. u rl e'..!.. ,.\. ,oL
Getting the perfect Job Job ]il
Experts te lus there are some impoftant things we can do to tncrease our chances of getting a 1ob. Llse
lrscl F(.'i -ano\oL(dri'..Coodlr ,l: ]]
Before the interview
l.\,4o1"'Lp)oJt do6(r-hd.a.1'- po.o'T. pe edworo\.t,)oJt oo( trarls
dre. opp\ oL p olrab'y wol l qo- an ,r letv FI\. lll]
2.You can'tsend the same letterto each cc)mpaiy the company so that vou can
2r ll
match your experiences to their needs.
3.Aflerrl_",oioany. I .yo to.or"'-'orar ]-e.vtov ,il,l ll-"irter\ e,1 l]
,ti.l_diripndot .Tij/nerber. l -rofa,,rreqt",on.rn"y- q,-... ror,dr ohdvpqoooo-. ."- ii
ro'porl one.
The day of the interview
t.-, .Youwon'tmakeagoodflrstimpresslonifyoudon,tgetthereontlme. I
,. - G, . Nojeans,tennis shoes, orTlhlrts. ]]({
3.\4ainldin or,ot.lare ho.1-e.t"r\".."aro.loo. -goov\.1 .Jqqes(.ro_.r.
Lt-e," ro d6 r-e joo lll
4.Donl dbo ,oLJ\or.oWo.."r.\oore,,\d-.c-o^o,lv t1
oneonewFocolpl".r,o _'ret're.rdlapa.sonr-t"r\e^',tgyolTdy^ono"rifyoto,ea."or ll
o d\e1 ll
5. -. . The interv ewer wants to know you (an handle stress on the job. lil
Pro'e vo.,.*art llll
6.Ai"'rh" 1-e.iew dottro,qel t .[ro1o.iz.lor voJ.o. -leFi
lF"col'pan/'ne.ds,Erni\'ol\dv_q)oL oo.'o.*u,oto'l "a -o4or t."T ttl eteo..Jr,'e. ]l tl
!l Oxford lJn versity Press. Permission granted to reproduce for c assroom use.
Lesson'16 57