Page 70 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 70

Speak Now 4
            17 Are you afraid of...?                                                     VocabularyWotksheet lT

            P6rt 1
            Think  about the  lVtieh fears  ihink are the mo8t comlnoh?  Rank them  from
            1 (mosfcormon)  ta 7  Geast  eolDmqlr).  T]r9Il  ComBnre   your  answe$ with a  pattner-  Glve reasons for
            youl aoswers.

                     fear of heightr                    Lar  qf  spidbi$
                     6ar ofpub'liespeaking              feaf of snaked
            -        fear qJlhing
            -                                  -        daustroPhobia
                     fear oftle dark

            -  Part2

            Use the fear6 from Part 1 to complete  the conversations, In class)   ?radice  the cofiversatlons  wlth a

            1,Ar What dre you aftsid.ijf

              & t on1 terrifud  af sp€akilg  il1 liont ofbther people.  I guess I have  a

            2, Ar wh€l's y'oul greatest fear?
              B: I have                              I don'1 ]ika togo in elavdtors  becausg I'm nefous  aboui  bdtrig in
                 sr6ll and  glosed  spatgs:.

            3, A: Doyou have a
              Br &s, nlhairy  onts-  They  4rake   m3 nervous-al1  qfthose  legsl

            4; ,q( Do yolr hare  a
              Bt  I'Ia.Ilqve  g.ojn'g  on aiiplaqes,  b$  I am kind otu4comfirrtableia  placeq witholti,a  Lot oflight.

              Ar You mean  lou have                              ? l.ngver wpuld hnvq  guessed  that-

            5, A: A lot of  peoBle have a                          I.guesr they think tbey arc scary.

              Br well,  tLey  doB't have legg,  44d  sQme of  tlqnr  are poisllrorN,

            6l A: Does  l:eing on tall buildingr  scare  you?

              B: No.I donr have  a                             rt all.IrI  facJ, -t 10ve  to go up and lo.ok qutpr  the ciqi

            5a       Lesson  17                 @ oxford..Un  iversity  Press. Pefl'.jssion  granted  io reprod  u.6e fu rclassroorn  use,

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