Page 75 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 75
22 lt has a really good beat. Spcak Now 4
Vocabulary Worksheet 22
Part 1
lyhat kind of ruusic do you like? Whar kind do your parents like? Write M (only yoo like it), p (only
your parents like it)r or B (both you and your parents like it) for earh kind of music. Ir class, compare
l-our answers l{ ith a partner.
good beat catchy
daneeable, melan,rhob,
mellow poetic
Pan 2
Circle the cor{ect word to complete person As .4itd per6on B's didlogue: Tlan use yorr own ideas so C
(an io: r the di,cu,qjon. In cla.s. p-a,,r. e rhe conver.arion, s,rl- rwo rlasna,e..
l. A: Oh,I love this song. Dont chafige the channel It's sa (p.oeticlyrics /.upbeat / catchf tune).
B: Yeah. I totally a8ree, It.hat a Itent \bebt / dantaable. / melancholy)-
C: O. h, are you guys talking aboxt
2. e: Have yorr heard that new song by Mil9y? It's realty bent / rah:tntic / poetic ly"rics),
R: Yeah. It's got rei lI (mellow / poetic l),ncs / nelarrcholy).
C: He\a did I hear vou rriention
3.A: I just dolvnloailed dlis nei{. song. Lister Weve got to take ii to rhe party Friday nighL It,s so
(mellow / danceable / wTarric). It will get everyore e,ncited.
B: Awesonre, No one likes (melancholy I apbgat,i.daaceclle) so4s during the school,s Friday €veniflg parries.
This song is mlch hetrer rhan you downldaded yesterdqr
C: Hql.ire you talking ahout
4. A; Whatk the name ofthis song? It's (d llrl, millow / daneeable / goodberr), butjt would be perfe.t in the
vidao we need to make fbr class. We dont wart an),thing thatl so exciting that peaple dont pay atteniion to
the video:
B: Yeah, n1aybe. hrt do you think we need a songlhat has a tulle thatt a litile (less upbeit / moft paetic / catchy)?
We walt them to reinemt er the tune
C: Oh, hi. Are you talking about
A Oxford University Press. PermissiOn Oranted toreproduce forclassrooh use, Lesson 22 63