Page 79 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 79
25 l'm afraid... speak Now 4
Vocabulary Worksheet 26
Part I
Match the words onlhe left with ibeir meaniogs on the right,
1. aaneeted a. to be hurt; tq I1o lenger be h perfect cqndition]
2. damaged b. to beunable to ird something
3. dow! c. w.lten thbie are still seata! rooms, etc. ftee to use
4. expiIed d. to ayii\,.e too late farr something
5. misplacad to decide to ltop sonEthing liom happening (for elample, d game, a flighr,. etc.)
6. miss€d f. something that has beel tal.en from yor withour your peihission
7_ $toleIr
to no lonqer hao.k to use becnuse a date has passed
8. h. to lrot be $,orking at the current time
Part 2
Write the botil words frgm Part 1 to. complele the e ]nail. you
will nse orie warid t$.i€e.
Hi Matthew,
Thh,t.ip has beeo great-ex6i?t tur The subway workers decided to sttike, so I had
io take a ta:r.i. TharL what everl'one else decided tr: dG tod, so it took threr hou.s instead ofore,
and b). the time I gdt to the airport I had my plane. They put me on th! next
flight, whicl y,as Iine, but then an hour later ao ni#. ..ploy". .u*. to rire and said, hrte td
te11 ).ou tlis, blt your flight hiu been beciruse the pilot car't get out to.the
alipoltl" I w6u1il havr. e-flrailed you during the live long hluts I apenr in the airyofi, tui the Wi.Fi
lust my luck +ht?
Aryway, I finally gdt to lstanbul last night, onl)' to tlot one of my suitaases $,as
arrd the oiher was . Once I got ev€irtlihg orked out
(4) (s)
with the a.irlil1e, I went to the car rcfiiil agency. Wlite Ir-e were doing the paperwodg I realized my
intemational drivet's license }e.l (;- so I qouldn r rcnt a car Al1 rny plans fm
enjoying the colntryside iavolwd a ear, so I had to change evarlthingt I got on tle Internet and
- -O.- :t11 my reservato4s, Then I tried io find a hotel in the city. It ]\las hard to.
find ore with.a j , bur I final1i did.
Th€ gaod ne s is tha-t it's a rcw day! MT lo6t luggage srrived 20 minutes ago, and rhls hotei is
tally nice Itt ln a great location and tle people here ar€ kjnd_ An.,ther good thing is thal I havent
had arr1thiry , even though eI,etyoll€ wa.ned me i:hat tl1rv€]ing overgeas can
be. dangerOus. Hclpefully rhis is rhe turning pointl
Talk to yo1l r.fhen I get bacL
O Oxford lJniversity Pre5s. Permi3sioll granred to reffodrice for alassrooin use.
Lesson 26' 67