Page 81 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 81

28 lt'simportantto...                                                                   spBik Nar{ 4

                                                                                           Vdea,bulary  Woiksheet 28

              Uqscialrrbli!.ilG  ri{}iilsand   belaw  ta,Jtlq!+  lhe,cqrIer.r  1!q&  io  rhe  ha..

              I. suctmraoy                                     5r idir-6 s6p

              2. rsrilnaeeu                                    6, ecealbet p
              3. nsdifeitdtd{rct                               /. sr Lorprpta.npe
              4. eb wffea ft)-

              Part 2
              Y&tle  the.wuds  &otq.Fart  I to  edrn{,.leie  the:b1ogi!i}r. ltru $&iiit i$e rvr{i wrii.,li

                 Ar-  -r.trqp rlnut fl.$ting-  l{p3il?  Itr'e.jdst cdnle bE*,  ,dld  I rra}iy leriric&q  lot  abDut their gu,lrure
                 Tbd&}llt $rj.ite'a6bt*i  ealii4g-,  eome ba.k irorlouow for adyice  auourviliti4g pepplds  [

                                        to use chopslr'cls.  ;nd with  a lidle practice  you ll enjoy  u.rng rhem as much as
                 r dnd. Bit                   dhbw   }Dil  urathedl Itii                 to give,4l1.p{!!r  psstrl
                 food b, Dassing;t from  tlour  chopsri--kr lo theirs. I heard  this i. one   ,   rhar manv

                 visirors  have made,
                 I!  i3Par  theyreren  e& ndadldd:nDd  rtaita  li'fth clidpstleks.  I leqt4ed  rhai it's  to
                iindke  DoiseS  ldren  raq   e.4taq9-dle;..15eatre4tly.r1eseibe,.4rt.  nois!, b{tcverydtie  d&Es iL I rhink it rakes

             .   pr.?eit6e,!r r(et/ei5b1c,tt dir ir.

              Part I

              tra-gins-4fgrelgngt ii gOljuJal*i3ii  yout  sirurtrl Wlar should  he nr she Inow? Circle.the eorrect
              word and ihen lxe    own  ideas  to complete  tne zdrice dboul the rcplc in pdren(heseb.  ln .l,rss.
              i5rlt:taia   foirt  iileer'with  4  eart4er. E1pXei{ wh} f!  q&  r@r a  plabLem,

              1. In riry eirn*ry  iiir  {aeeept!blel,i.4zg,g*pt;61tU           , $d&tl&ie  ro di, it (eating)
              2. fti imporlant to  (c1rJLamrry.   b? aware  o)            (safetr)

              r  *  V49@tsrdq!x.t€.1  k'r,  ptt  ts            .e.ftS,fic)
             4. Ili  lin ilr.,Fidre  $ I W cttun* D|).talk tha\t            . (tqp&!  of d.iscussioq)

             5, lt  (*captnbl;!  I itNi;o11jitb rq *$kebo!i             qlp!,Fh-0uljnl'   jr.
                                                                                       d.qt   (mesring  for rhe

             6,                     is  jle€rl   a, ii (F&t?,$ / irrefiiti?e)  in rn)'.rorrrriiy.  (ieJatrd  to ii@eJ
             7. Ir&y$uffili  Fs(ci,3fo,r, ary  /: h4]on:iaEare)  tq             .qq  I.9$  rh!,uldt'Jrt  rlda iL  {liririns.
                s.or4eorlei ltlrruel

              @ O#bid Uhivefslty'Piegr'  PqrfiIislion  grnnte4ta rcUre.durf-fgr ch9  o@Olusq     LesSO!  2€
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