Page 68 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 68

Speak Now4
        15 The first thing                      You      need       ' ' '            VocabularyWorksheet   l5

         Part 1
         Read  the hints and  put the words  into the couect  place in the  puzzle'

          bar code  cash  diawer      cocle           discoqn!
          ring up      scan           touchscreei     transaction

            Across                                  use  your  finger to milke  choices  on it
            ,.,i"  n",,,o*".a rn'  of a'ash  registel  i )ou
            ')   Lhe D.".e  \hcrL  'rrore\ i' k(Pl in  cd'h reBinef
            -   .i1,.,"r.,"u"'"'    '""  -''l'o  .d'ror  ''r.r(  'or<rl-''rg

             t.  to pass ligh!  ovcr an image  lo get informrtion

             2. a sale at a store
             ,. ;il;t""-"."e       taLes away from  the price to mal€  the fiing cheaPer   .
             -.   ,"ttl,       *tnte'l  on things  that vou  buyr  a comPuter  call rend  the  pattern
                       " "iit*
             6. toPut  a sale iito a cash register  so a customel  can bul'something

                                                                                 grantedto reproducefor  classroom  u5e'
                                                 a Oxford  l,lniversity  Press'  Permission
              56       Lesson  15

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