Page 65 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 65

12 You have a point,                                                                    Speak  Now4
                                                            but. . .
                                                                                          VocabularyWorksheet  12

             Part I

             Hur! oft.-r do I  nu  tlrrnk rbout.rhese  rh ngst  Rank  rhem from I (rhe  mosr often)  to 9 (rhe  least otien).
             ll.rrnrleJrecro.lpleJl  ln  j  J,, .nr ,l   ..\o,rrJ   .*er\\, ri-rparrrr

                      energy  efficient appiiances  cornputerothat,turn  off when thE a?en'tbeinAused

                      greenhouse  gases
                     reducirg  $asted  energy
                     taking public transporration

                     hybrid cars
                     reduclng  iandfill  trash

                     reducing your carbon [ootprint

             Part 2

            Circle  the correct  r.ord  to compleie  A's dialogue.  Lrse  vour or.n ideas to complete  B,.s dlalo$re. In class,
            practice  the conversations rdth a partner.

            l, Ar Dont you thlnkr.e should use more  (,ti,brid   cars / recycLi|g)?

              B: I guc\s. bur

            2. A: Isnl it important to reduLce  (reclclingrgre  eLthouse  gases)?
              B: That mal Lre true,  bur on rhe other  hand,

            3,A: If evcryone  (errergl -eJiicient  .t pplinnces  / took puhti.  tran sporta tio ), then ne.ould re.luce  our
                 carbon footprint.
              B: I see whct   dean,  but

            4.A: Ifeveryone  redrced  thei (lr,asted e ergy / rrdrr),  the landfills  r,ould lasr longer
              B: \ur l-.  .  c .r po Il. b.ll _

            O Oxford University  Press. Perrnission  granted  to reproduce  forctassroorn  use.
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