Page 62 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 62

Speak  Now 4
        9 What exactly is a...?                                                        Vocabulary  Worksheet 9

         Part 1
         Match the words  on the lelt with their meallings  on the rlght.

         l.   iunk  food              a- a person who doesnt eat mcat, cheese, or milk prodrcts
         2. nutritious                b. food that is produced and eaten in thc same ar.ea

         3. vegar                     c. foods that have  chenricals ard other  tlings  to make them  last  a long time

         4. vegetarian                   \{'ltholLt  going  bad
         5. organic                   d  a person $fio lries to onl,r'  eat food grotrr  neatb'v

         6. locall,v-sourceat         e. food that is good for  )'ou
         7. locavore                  f.  food thxt is gro\tn $'itholrt chemicals

         8. processed foods           g' lbod  that lsn't  health'v
                                      h. aperson  who only e.rts  vegernbles and indirect   Products  ofa mals like milk

         Part 2
         ,{re these wolds  used to descrlbe people, food,  or both people and food? $rit€ P (peoPle)' F (food)'  or
         B (both) for each. In class, compnre your ansr{ers  with a  }rartner

                junk fbod              vegan                  utgrrril                   lnavore
                nutritious             vegetalia[            locall,v.soulced            processed  foods
         -                      -                     -
         -  Part 3              -                     -                           -
         Lise the bold \\rcrds ii  Part i to complete  the letter  hom the editor ofa morlhl,v magazine'  You may
         have to change the forms ofthe rvords.  You wont use onc 1{'ord.

               Dear  Reader,

                 When  lirst became a                   ,  I found it very hard to  go  out to eat with fr ends.
               All my friends eat meat.  Even  ihough  l ate eggs and dalry  products,  there weren't many  choices
               on the menu. Luckily, thinqs havechanged.  People have become  more  aware ofthe impact ofa
                                   diet on our healih.While  a lotofpeopLe haven't  changed,  myfriends  are
               eating less                  .nd even less                   Maybe l've been a good
                                 (r)                             (4)
               influenae  on them,
                  One thing that has helped me find more  choices on the menLl,  is the move toward  more
                                   food,  food w th no or few chemicals. Another thing that has he!ped  ls the
               growinq  movement toward                    food-  Ofcourse,  you can have meat, chicken,  and
               flsh that are raised  nearb, but more often than not'           are eat  ng the frults and
               vegetables  that nearby farmers  are  growing.  As that trend has continued, some  restaurants  have
               rea lzed they can offer  local foods  ancl attract new customers  that they m ght not otherwise  have'
               Enjoy our  special edition  on eating out without  glving  up  yoLlr food valuesl

                Editor  in-Chief

          50       Lesson  9                  o oxford  lJnjversity  Press. Pemission granted  to reproducefor  classroom use
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