Page 57 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 57

4 You put up with a lot.                                                                SpeakNow4
                                                                                              VocabularyWorksheet  4

                Part 1
                Unscramble the words below to match the correct  words  in lhe box.

                t. suyhp


               4_  Lrtp pu iht\r
                6. allgh otu iwht

                Patt 2

               lvrite the words fron] Part L and your own advice to complete  the coN-ersations,   you  may have to
               change the forms ofthe  words ir Part t. In class, practice  the conversations wlrh a paftner

               l. A: My friend                    lying  about me lt never seerns  ro stop.

                 B: Have  you thought  about                  het? lvlaybe you could talkto her sometime  when
                    iti just th€ two ofyori.

                 A: Hm, l'm not really  surc that would work. Shet really              and likes to he in

                 B; Well, have you trled
                    that's not  a bad ided- Thanks.

               2. A: I doD't kl1or{  what to do. I told my friend a big secret, but she told everyone.
                 B: It must have been really                  the nc\t time  )ou  sN.her.
                    Yeah, it was. And  after rhat I really             her for betraying me.

                 B: Did you ever tell her?  You might  lvani to think about ri king io her abour  it.
                    I can't talk with her abolt it right now becaNe  sheisnr
                                                                                         me these dry\.
                 B: \4iel1, then  you night want to consider
                    Thai's l\,orth thinking  about. Thanks.

               3. A: I dont krow how  you                   yoru sisier.  Shels so coDtrolling.

                 B: I knott, but I donr know rvhat to do.
                    You might $,ant  to corlsider  ialking  wiih her about it.

                 B: Dd you really  think thar's  a good  idea?  She might  get  even v-orsel
                    Youte right. Well,  another  idea is
                 B: That might lsork. I'11give  it a trl

               O Oxford University  Press. Permksion  granted  ro reproducefor  classroom use.                   45
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