Page 53 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 53
Lessons 29 to 32 Review
English in Action Speak Now
1 Preview Prdvide an er.ample ofdach conyersation
illiil,tuXNIT if man). $uderts neer:l more pnctice lvith ?
Answer5 will vary. Sampie answer p4rticular unil, you might want to review it in cIass.
1. c li lobks likea funny com mercial,
2. b Tom look ter lly ei{cited, like howpeopleqet 29 Example aonversation
vihen they tak about apbrts.
A: Did you see the game?
3. a They look con.erned abouta trlme ltory.
4. d Aler looks a nazed ar a politicai .tory. B: No, \lfiy?
I \or,3h' ir u,r. goin6robea,hurorr. br. rl.err
n y Jd\orite lerrr lo.l in d .l^.e trme. l^,i. .o
2 Practice
excithg, but so disappoirting.
30 Exomple conve$otien
A: Did you hear the lews this ]1lorning? A 1l1an
broke into a store.and the clerk was a former
1. education Foryo!n9 children learly childhood
tdu.ation) police officer.
2, rwo niimb€rswith a big difference, f.r example, B: Hold on. Did you say that the person rvorking in
10.1 ihe store used to be a police.of6cer?
A: Yeahl The clerk grabbed the man, held his hands
4, the .rim9 victim/the ownel bf the leweliy/€
behind his back, and called the police.
biliio&ire nam€d Lu.s U|banski
quitheriob, buy aTVfor her boyrrlend,and move
out ofher apartment to li!€ on herown 3'l Example conversation
A: Studies have. shown ihat advertisirg jingles are
eflective. You loow, like low 1.ou hum a jingle
3 Discuss without e\,'en realizing it. The srudies sal
that familiarity makes you more likely to buy
Exonple cohve$otlon tl, e product.
A: If I were Kate, the first thing I would do 1r ith B: I ve heard that radio ads arenl rhat eflectiye no!\,.
the nrillion dollar rervard is Hke a trip around For one ihing, peaple doni ljsren to the radio
the world. as much now ds in the pnst. For oiother thing,
people tend to thirk nbort orhei rhiDgs and not
B: IiJ buy a sports car and a house-
Ieally pay aftention:
C: Urr, a million dollors, ta pay the money to get
Ar I read somewhere thnt television commer.ials. ..
on the list to be one. of the civilialls who goes
into outer space ill a few yeats,
32 Exomple conversotion
Ar Cooil EveryoDe has grear dieams. Ler! go on. Do
1ou ever u rrch tlre new. un T\ ? I don.. A
Br Neither do L I getnll ofmy news on ihe What are you.thoughts ot1 heary rraffic during
Cr We11, I wEt h a political nnalysis segment on the rush hour?
news, but thati all. I'm not interested ifl anFhing B: As 1 see it, the clty needs to make more car pool
else, especiail)" sporrs. I don't need to hear allthe Ianes. The city can make it a rule that only cirs
details of the game. The score is enough for mt. lhat ha1.e.t{rc or more call drive in them.
A: So, whatt the most inteiesting nevis youve
That's nor a bad idea. I l.nd to rhink iha! by
reducing the tolls for cals \,rith t$,tr or more
B: I henrd this story about a woman in Afri.a. She people, nrore people will car pool...
\dlLed,..lhe $") Jrro.,lhecor:1en(lo rdi.e
alYi]leness about AIDS.
C: That.rounds interesting, The fiost lnteresting...
Lessons 29 to 32 ReView 41