Page 54 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 54

Speak  Now 4
         1 I learned a lot from...                                                     Vocabulary Worksheet  1

         Part 1
         W.ite the words  from the bor. to cofiplete eash   lhiase.

         I,                     a risk            5.                     op?hludty  to

                                a ahange          5.                     n chalen*
         3,                     an obstacle       7.                     decision  to
                                                  8.                     a setback


         Wjite  the.  -  <ompleted  e pressions  from ?arl 1 to coll1plete  tle conve.sations.  USe each expressio[  ohce'
         vou may have io change tle forms of tht words. h class,  Plactice  lhe conv€rsatiqns  lYith a partnex

          'l.A:  i hear that Matteo  ova.cane  2n obslacle  las\$ee],

            B: Ye.h. He hiis  been wdntl4g tir                         aciing,  but people tdld him he wtsn igoitd
               lo.oLing erough.  Insiead of latling  ttnt stnp him, Matteo  wQrked on tis fici4l  expreslion!,  and ihe same
               people who told hi4 he wasn t good  lookirrg  enough hired himl

          2. A: Oh,lhdl rernird'  -ne.  Wendl telJs  me that ro.r                     dlring yoLu va!.ation.
            B: Yeohl I 1|?s  o.n a .ruise  and I was rea11y siclc I had a hard  dme  en diini my va(alionl

          3.A: Coliin tells  IYte that Steve
            Bi Thatts  for sure- He didnl  get the proillotiol1  he $a5 enpEcting.  He said it was one ofthe big&est  thallenger

               he's e!€r fac€d  blecause hea been w6rking  to$'ard  the  new  Polition   for two years'

          4,Ar I hear you are                            . Wtat   .are  you goirg  td do diffEreni?

          5..A:  Hi^ Crrlos.I hear that vou                         96  bdck to irollege,  aod  iou  gfaduated  lasr week
               i had no ialea  yoo were stuaying-land fforking  at the same  timel Congrahrlationsl
            Br  Tlariks.  ln my companYr }.e                          get part  Of  the tuitio!1  paid,  so I decided to do
               .it. It was had, but  it tmned out to.  be the  beqt thjrg  I've eYel done

           6.Ar I hqar &at you                             a lew  yei-rs ago. bul ir' realy pa) IrB ofi noul
             B: Thnt's dghl It wql scary  at the' lime, but it turned  out to be worth  the tnceitairty'

           42       L€sson  l                 Q OxfordUnivelslty  Press. Permission  granted  to reprod  u ce for cla5sroom  use
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