Page 51 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 51
Lesson 31 Studies have shown...
I Vocabulary 3 Language Booster
Example aonve$otion
Ariwers will viry- Sdd:ple answer
A: I thillk there is too much advertising these da)'s.
1. No. !]bt ltally-".6ecaule eveiiajne itnoies thdin.
Do you agree?
2, Actually, ohte ih atwiiile I di] hunl iihqlei, like ihe
one lor th.?r (ar tqQpany. B: Yeah,I do. Sometinrs you see the sade aiL..iver
3r I ,lememberrons ofiLoqanr lor enalnple, JL,jr d, ft. and over thal afts awhile iou feel like you have
4. lhrce thingrthnta#€cfmy (hoiees in:L,Iads aie to ha1,,e something that you really dont need.
pice, qualii)4 and Fryte-
5. Wel,lwBn iheydidnl, bJr .ometimesthey do. ror C: I dont knol,r. If you think before you buy,
e\a'nplF. one r;me lsaw o ( ommercial tor rha ,]ew advedising wolit be effective,..
food:l salv it over rndilryer until llust had to t, ir
6. I thlnk 6dvenisers try to manipulare us by roaking
4 Listening
us thinkwe eqnt livewithourlheir Brodlcts.
A: Do you thinh banngr ads ond pop-np ads can
Supports opinion well Doesht s.uppd( opihion,w€ll
persuade aonsumer-s to buy certain prodrcts? 1. ,/
B: No, nol re.illy, because I thinL everyone ignores 2,
2 Conversation
A Exafiple conveftotion
ICD 2,nack39]
A: In the second conversation, the speaker talks
about how he at1d his sister don t get ads for
things they 1ike. That's the oniy proo{ It's rot
At the beginning,oJ the srnversetion, Luiz think
Yery strong.
bannelad5 areannoying andhe 6l undeistand why
eoripafliesmali€ them. Br Ye.h.,ome nlorrrJtion front a.tud) or
AlthCend ofthe conversation, Luiz leaiias how much exaorples from a larger group of people would be
bdnner ads can affect,tonlu m6rs. more effe.tive
5 Speak with Confidence
LJiz:Thel. b"nrer ass are s annoyinq. tdonl knN B
why advertisinq aamlrahies ard;te ihe;. 3
Luiz Really?...| only see them for half ir (6cond. 2 Exdhple convercation
Lqia k thnt rc.illy trus? 4
A. So, three of us fiink flmny advertisements are
Luz Wow' . oidnl redl'/e Ih.r advertiirnenls ( ould
more influential. OrLe elample is how easy the
nraniipLlLate consurers that muih: t
ads are to remember,
B: Rigit, and studies lave shorvn . . .
D: I don t know. IYe heard that. - .
L€sson 31 39