Page 47 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 47

Lesson 28 lt's important to...

                                                                 Optional  Activity
            l  Vocabulary                                        Ha\-e studerts practicc  the conversation  agaln,
                                                                 substituting  a cih'in  their home couniry lbr Nel\
            A                                                    York. Also tell them  to use re.i infbrmation about
                                                                 dreir own countries  rather than thc advice about rhe
                                                                 LrDlted  States.
              AnsweE  will vary,Sample  answer

               2. lt is inappropriate  to answera phone  callduring
               3. Whenyouaretalking$th  peopleyouvejustme!       4 Listening
                 you  shouldnt  talk aboutth€  cost ofthings.
              4. Wel,  itli a little incorsiderate  to atrive  ten minut€s  A
                 ate to a d nner  party.
              5, Yes, it's customarytogive  q  fts at a busine$

              6. The wout  cukuGlfaux  pas  've evermadewas
                                                                    a.2  b. 1<.3
                 showirg upto  som€one's house afterthey invited
                 me.Ididnl understand  the nvitarion wasa  form
              7. Whef  a visltor isvisiting  my home  country,  the
                 most  importantthing  a visitor should  be aware  of
                 is the synem oftippjng.
                                                                    Answers will vary. 5a m ple answer.
           B                                                        l. rthink he should  have exp ained the.ustom of
                                                                       giftgiving in his cu ture and apo oq zed for nor
                                                                       reallzing  this  was  not urivetsal.
           Example conversation
                                                                    2. think  he shou d haveapologi?ed  as soon  as he
           A: What is an inapproprirte thing to do at                  reallzed hls mistake, but slnce  he hasn't,lagree
               a meeting?                                              wth  the advice for hlm to write an emailto
           Br It'.s inappropriate to ansrver a phone call during a
                                                                    3. think he should have  asked  whattime  peop  e
               meetlllg. ]s that appropriare  in  youI  countrv?
                                                                       usua lyarrive, and rhen he 5ho!ld have offered  to
                                                                       leave  and retuh.n h.ur later
           2 Conversation
           tCD  2,Track3ll                                       Exomple conve$otion
              il;;;;-                                            A: I thinl( the second  rnan shorLld  have apologized
                                                                    as soon as he realized  hts mistak"-.
              Patrick  is going to  90  ro NewYork_
                                                                 B:  1 agree,  but since  he hasnt, I agree  with the
              Sophie  suggests  Parrlck  not arrive tateto hi5 meeting.  .l\'.,   h;n l.s'ireJr  .n'o tu"l'..,gi/,.
              she aLsotelk him it! nappropriareto  kiss peopte  when       ^
              you  first meet.she  suggens he shake  hands ifnead.  C, Yetrh.  and

                                                                 5 Speak with Confidence

              Sophie: Oh,  I see. What  are you  notsure about?  2
              Patrlck  Well,  l have an early morning  business meettng
              1l'eddy"h-'r"r!e's'td((ep           i  e
                                                                    Anrwers willvary.  Sampie answer
              sophie:Notreally.ln  the U,5., ir's importanr  to be on  1. don'task  about sa aries
                                                                    2. doi'i  ask about shoe orclothing  sizes
              SophierWel,  in the  U.S., it's lnappropriarero  kiss  3. dont  asksomeone!  aqe,  un  ess it is a smallchiid
              people  when  you fnst meet them. lr! cusromary  to
              shake  hands  when  you meetpeop e.l

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