Page 43 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 43

Lessons 21 to 24 Review

             English in Action                                    C:  I .tgree.  So does that mean  Iou don't think itls
                                                                     important  to 1ollo\r popular culnrre?
                                                                     Not eractl,\-, but I won't follo\!  it by pulting
             I  Preview                                              m\-sclf in debt. Ho\ dbout  vou? Do  _vou  think itt
                                                                     importailt  to lillow popuhr  cL tureT

                                                                  Speak  Now
               Answers will vary. 5am  ple answer
               1. rMaria  andTom dont  reaiy  like his.  othes.
               2. His clothes  dont  seem  very trendy.
               3. Maria and Alex likethese  c othes mu.h better   Prol.ide  dn exiluple  o1'eilch  coiversation
               4. lthink his  cool
                                                                  If man,r'nudenh  nced  morc prnctice  lrith a
            2 Pradice                                             particular  unit,1'ou  might  want to review  it iD class.

                                                                  21  Example conversation
                                                                     I sr!\, this henr!\tarniDg  drama the other da).
                                                                     It's .riroul  this woDrdn  \r.ith carcer.  It started out
                                                                     l<ind r:rl slorg but b,v the end,  I was crving n'ith
               l.  F.  {Alex ir going totake  some c ients outto d nner.)
               2,I                                                   the rest of the audience.
               3.1                                                B: I sarv this hilarious  conledv  ih€ othcr  da)-. lt
               4.  F  {Alex  doesn't  watch many  new  moves so he    . ,r...' rl tl .no.l r  re^r .,  .,,r',.  r
                  d4, da roq.rorl:reard  loo\up  .-ptolo,
                                                                     holding  a hamburger...
                  Yestetday\  Gane,)
               5.  F  {Kate  helpedTom shopfor some newclolhes.)
               6.7                                                22 Example conversation
                                                                  A: lt reall,v  has a good beat.

             B                                                    B: And  it's so danceablc.  I lor.e listening  to it.
            .{nswcrs  are in Pdrl A.                              C: Oh, rre roLL glLys lalkirg about  /&sl ili7,rl fo,

            Optional  Activity
                                                                  23 Exonple  aonvesotion
             \\ h,v is N1aria  confused about wh,v Alex  is wonied
            about taking his clleris to dn1ner?  (She  doesdt tlink  A: So let's imagirc iti twenty  verls froln norl
            iit diftl.ult  to find lhirgs  to talk about $'ith clients.)  \\'hat'.s cul.rentlv  ln st,vle?
            \\ihr does Kate  compliment  Alex at the cnd ofthc    B: $ell, I think skin tiltht pants are in,like on
            \.ideo?  (tsecause  Aleri  is rrearing some neri'clothes.)  Shir  'li  ek.
                                                                  A: Yeah, that could  be. And I think it\ tr.ndv to
                                                                     Near sneakers thit harc rockets so vou can 11v...
            3 Discuss
                                                                  24 Example conve$ation
            Exomple conversation
                                                                  A: llid  you  knolr.that research  nor. shorvs thaL
            A: I think Alex should  also talk about how thcir        sugar  is actalll-r-ery good for your heailh?
               Yisit is going.  l-or example,  he could ask them  B: No lr'a,vl Is that lor real?
                if the,v'r'e  had a chance to f.isit the Empire State
                                                                  A: That'.s what the news  said.
                                                                  B: $'ell, r.ait till   hear  this. The nclls Jso said
            Br Thati  a good idea. Lett go on to number  tr.o.                    l-ou
                                                                     it! not gohg to rain here  for a nhole ycar
                Do  ),ou  follo$'  the trends?
                                                                  A: \bu|e got lo be kiddingl  lherearegoingtobe
            A: Not realh-, because  it's too erpeDsi\€  to keep
                                                                     lots oaproblems  ;l thal  reali,v  happens.
               bu,ving  ner. clothes everv til1le  fashion  chdnges.

                                                                                    Lessons 21 to 24 Rev ew   31
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