Page 45 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 45
Lesson 26 l'm afraid...
l Vocabulary 4 Listening
lcD 2,Tra.k 2l
l. f 5:h
2.c 6q a.2
B lcD Z lra.k 2Z
Exanple aontPtsotion
A: One time I was flying to anolher countrv. There Wording ol answers wlll vary- Sample answer,
1 . They use the .odput€i in the bunness .enier io
was a big storm, and our flightleft 12 hours
late. Whe[ we got to our destination, jL was the research tho hoteli bnrhe llsithattheywere liiven
by the hotel .h*.
middle of the night. 'Ihere were no trains or
2. The speaker getg rebool(ed ontoan 8iooa-h]. flight
buses inio towh.
B: Oh, nol What did you do? 3. The speaker fills out a form to have theairline pay
for a rrew suitease s compensatioo for the tear and
4. The speakei checks iiiio ihe horel usinq a diflerent
credit.ardand plans to tallthe bankto raportth.6
2 Conversation the{t faom tha hot€l rdom.
Exomple aonveBation
Victoria wants to qoto $o Paulo, Well, the third speaker fills out a foffr to get
F.or the recond quertion, students should wlite any rnorev iron rhc a'rlrn.. I ,hrnk rhri. .r Food
thrce ofthe foliowing pioblenis: sohrtion. Somefiines.airlirles dont even do that.
(1) her fliEht war cancelad, (2)the nartflightwasnt.
. 'or anorhertwo odys..J)rle norFldrdnl h6f B: I agee. I had a huge tear in my suitcase, but the
vacaneies, (4J the akport! lnternetwa6 down. "ny airlire called it "nonnal weai'l
C: \Vell, I thought it i{as nice that the hotel girvp rhe
c iraveler a.Cess io the busiress .entet. . .
ICD 2,Tra.k 261
5 Speak with Confidence
Additipnri senrence!.underlined
Victoria: Hi, I htr,eto tnn:ler t9 Flight.734 to 55o
Paulo. Whafoate does thatflioht leave frolrl?
Victoria:ihank you. l'll oetonllne rlohtawav.
Airport em ployeer No,. bat l'm afrnid ournetworki5 Answ€ru ivill vary Sampleanslyer*,r rn;iieii. We\,e beeh hbvlno htarriet 1, Your lntdrnational dfivert licenie has expired.
ardblem?tweek. 2. The ATIVI isbroken.
3, The halel won't take your brand of.redit caid.
4, Yourbaqisstolanwhileohpubliclransponatioh.
Lesson 26 33