Page 45 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 45

Lesson 26 l'm afraid...

             l  Vocabulary                                         4 Listening

                                                                   lcD 2,Tra.k 2l
                l. f                   5:h
                2.c                    6q                             a.2
             B                                                     lcD Z lra.k 2Z

             Exanple  aontPtsotion
             A: One time I was flying to anolher countrv. There       Wording  ol answers  wlll vary- Sample  answer,
                                                                      1 . They use the .odput€i in the bunness  .enier  io
                was a big storm, and our flightleft  12 hours
                late. Whe[  we got to our destination,   jL  was the    research  tho hoteli bnrhe llsithattheywere  liiven
                                                                        by the hotel .h*.
                middle  of the night.  'Ihere  were no trains or
                                                                      2. The speaker  getg  rebool(ed  ontoan 8iooa-h].  flight
                buses inio towh.
             B: Oh, nol What did you do?                              3. The speaker fills out a form to  have  theairline  pay
                                                                        for a rrew suitease s compensatioo  for the tear and

                                                                      4. The  speakei  checks  iiiio  ihe horel  usinq a diflerent
                                                                        credit.ardand  plans  to tallthe bankto  raportth.6
             2 Conversation                                             the{t faom tha  hot€l  rdom.


                                                                   Exomple aonveBation

                Victoria  wants  to qoto $o Paulo,                    Well,  the third speaker fills out a foffr  to get
                F.or  the recond  quertion,  students  should  wlite any  rnorev  iron rhc a'rlrn..  I  ,hrnk  rhri. .r  Food
                thrce ofthe  foliowing  pioblenis:                    sohrtion.  Somefiines.airlirles  dont even do that.
                (1)  her fliEht war cancelad,  (2)the  nartflightwasnt.
             .   'or anorhertwo odys..J)rle norFldrdnl  h6f        B:  I agee. I had a huge  tear in my suitcase,  but  the
                vacaneies,  (4J  the akport!  lnternetwa6  down.  "ny  airlire called it "nonnal weai'l
                                                                   C: \Vell, I thought  it i{as nice that the hotel girvp  rhe
             c                                                        iraveler  a.Cess  io the busiress  .entet.  . .
             ICD 2,Tra.k 261
                                                                   5 Speak with Confidence

                Additipnri senrence!.underlined
                Victoria:  Hi, I htr,eto tnn:ler t9 Flight.734  to 55o
                Paulo. Whafoate  does thatflioht leave  frolrl?
                Victoria:ihank  you.  l'll oetonllne  rlohtawav.
                Airport  em  ployeer  No,. bat l'm afrnid  ournetworki5  Answ€ru  ivill vary Sampleanslyer
      *,r  rn;iieii.  We\,e beeh  hbvlno  htarriet   1, Your lntdrnational  dfivert licenie has expired.
                ardblem?tweek.                                        2. The ATIVI  isbroken.
                                                                      3, The halel won't take  your brand  of.redit  caid.
                                                                      4, Yourbaqisstolanwhileohpubliclransponatioh.

                                                                                                Lesson  26     33
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