Page 42 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 42

Lesson 24 Have you heard...?

          'l  Vocabulary                                       4 Listening


            2. break up  (with)  6.
                               7,  (be)  with                     b.4
                               a.  (jui.y)sosiip
          B                                                    ICD  2, Track  2I  l
          Before students.  sinrt the pair work, you may rvani
          r^ \.rve rhen nrrre  ,ome popul,.  celebnl  go*rp
          magazines,  $,ebsites, and blogs.  Have siudents talk   wording ofanswers  willvary.  Sample answ€r.
                                                                  I . l\,4arc Allen, ako  child  actor in 1990s;  qot interested
          about ryhat they  have in conrmon  (for  example,  they
                                                                     in fashion  by rEading  sist€ilfashion  design
          all have the most recent news  about  famous  people,
                                                                     textbook, willstart  his own line of.loihlng;  will
          but it isnt always  true).                                 stail selllng  clothes  in thefall
                                                                  2. Twenty  yeaB  aqo was tumous  actor alrd was tired
          E@mple  conve$otion                                        of paparaziso  let  people  think he dilappearedj
                                                                     at lam,lyd.d movpd  lo difreren..oLnuv:didn't
          A: So, do you like celebrity  gossip magazines,
                                                                     want  io be famoirs  anymore;  ran out ofmon€y and
             websites,  and blogs?
                                                                     wdnl.  lo \tdn d(
          Br Not reall)r Do you?                                  3. Aihlete  paidjudgesforhigh  score; another  judge
          A: Well. . doni read rhem  verl'often.  burl orcern        overhead phone  conversatidn
                                                                  4. Father  was  manager  ofcareer  and in charge ofall
             a while there's a story that interests me. Some
                                                                     money,  when aclor  t'rmed  1 8, wa nted to take  over
             people rcally  like to read them. They  seen to
                                                                     own  finances  but father wouldn't  let he[  lawyer
             knov all the latest  news.  Wl]y do you think           found  outtherewas  no moneyin banka..ounts
             those people like to read them?                         because  father  spent  money  on expensive
                                                                     va.ations  and dinnels)  father also lost  lots of
                                                                     money  in bad  investments
          2 Conversation

                                                               Exqnple  conversotion
                                                               A: So, I'll summarize  the story about  the athlete-
          ICD  2, Track 2!l
                                                                   He was going  to pay a judge for a high  score, but
                                                                   another  judge  overheard  the phone  conversation
             The lead singer ofthe bhird,  The Drearn Captains,  was  so he diddt get by with it.
             apparendyanested  forirying to rob  a slor€.      B: Greal OK, I'll summarize  the story about
                                                                   Marc  A11en,  the athlete and former child  actor
                                                                   is starting his orln line ofclothing.  He g6i
                                                                   ifferested  in fashion by reading his sister's
                                                                   fashion design  textbooks.  His new clothes will
             Matt Nb, what  happened?  3                           start  selling in the fall.
                 Well, apparcntlyi thE  lead  5ingerwas ariest-"d
             last night He was spolted  rryinq  to rcb a  3torel  4
                                                                5 Speak with Confidence
             A4att  No.wayl  ls that for realT 1
             Brianr lreadabout  it ona couple  of different  gossip
             sites. But ofcourse,  it might  ju+be  a rumor.2

                                                                Example conve$ation
                                                                A: $hit tillyou hear this...
                                                                B: No B'avl Is rhat for renl?

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