Page 41 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 41
Lesson 23 Did you hear about...?
Optional Aetivity
Before stualehts o.pen their books, haye therl] talk 3 Language Boostel
about thingr that were popular one 01 tlvo trears
ago but aIe no lqngei popdaa, 'lhen ask.students B
howoftei trends usually change (for er.ample, every
couFle of months). Elomple aonveBdtion
A: So, l,,'hat do you thiik is €urrendy in Etylei These
days, not too many people are wearing laggy
pants. I lhink they dre out offashion.
l Vocabulary
B: I agree. AEd oversized.shirts arent in styte,
4 Listening
Answer3 may vliyj 5amphian5t yer,
1.1 il4y siita 5. La.dycaga
,2! Yudo 6i Tyra Bank5 - A
tCD2,TE.k l9l
,.'6wen Stefanl' ,r L{€tilda
4. ,bnnifdi
Clothirq ettiewan$t"
B k€ep lt sst ,id ol it
lohq bla.k skrt /
Exonlple ccinvercotion red kheeleiqth akirt
sho(bluaitid ./
A: Lady Cdga likes to wear lnodeln clothes. Her qrayj4.keJ ,/
clothes almost look likelhey are{rom the futue. white stveatcr ,/
B: I agree: And Gwen Stelani wea$ a lot ofviniage
dothes. lut she's also a ttel1dsetter.
ICD 2,T6.k lsl
2 Conversation Ars$.€rs in Part A.
A Qptional Activity
ICO 2, Track 131 Have students $.rite do n other information about
each piece r:lI clothing.
&digliiyJ le51ly bilghijE nrs arb in ilght now
shqJter skiits ard;il5,5 in ilyle. Wo.ding of an6wers may vary. Sample answe'
lodie.rays knee lehgrh skft.ate bur of siyta,
Long bla.ltikir:e ddlvoto heirfe;!.few red
kree lErgll- skirl:one ro iwoyearrold. hardlyworn:
JhotbbEiliin had tur ataurile ofy€rrr siillsiyljsh;
white sweatFT:5ig, col,}f.of tabi€;.lotally dutof aVE
Jdijlir.: oli, tiianka, Lrrih- Iit,idallyno b6E-leri,3
4rn: What dO you think oftheie pant!? 4
Lynni Bdally?2 5 Speak with Confidence
Lynn Wqw I realiy do need llelr. 1
Example conversatioi
A: No1\rada)s, iCs irerdy to wear skitny jeals.
B: That's true, But its finny, because anotirer rrend
is lride leg jeans,
C: But these days, almost ro ore...
Lesson23 29