Page 46 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 46

Lesson 27 Do you think...?

         Optional Activity                                     c
                                                               IaD 2,Tra.k29l
         Before students open their books,  have them get
         into groups and talk abouttheir  favorite  vacations.
         Alternativell,, have their discuss their dream           Additional  sentences underlined.
                                                                  AlieiiirWhat dir  you  feel  likedoinq?  Do  you  want  to
                                                                  take  a guided  tour  oi Explore  on ourown?Therel.a
                                                                  bus touj thpt  starts  at noon.
                                                                  lvlay: Do  you  think we should  splurge  or sti.k to our
                                                                  budget?  Ihjsestaqantlook n]!e
         l  Vocabulary                                            expensive.
                                                                  I4ay:Well,  that's ttu€.ln tharcasa.let!  go ehapbind

            Answers will vary,  Sample  answer.
            0 to see the b;g tourist  attra<tions, ! ro go off the  4 Pronunciation
            beaten  path, orlto lounqearound?
            0  to take a  quided  tour or / to explore on  your  own?
            [ 10  plan  and bookthings  in advan.e or / to keep  A
            youroptions  opan?                                 lCDl,TGck30l
            I to splurqe or / to sti(k to a budqel?            .  Have students  ideDtify the final  /s/ sound for
            !abedandbr€aKart, 0ahostel,/a  luxuryhotel,           each word  (options  /z/, tours  /z/, horels /z/,  Iet's
                                                                  /s/). Ifne.essarn  emphasize  to students that the
                                                                  linking  of the Iinal s occurs with both the /s/ and
                                                               .  Polnt  out that the linldng  is wlth v/ords that start
         Example conveqation
                                                                  with both comonants and vowels.
         A: I like to see the big tourist attractions  when I
            travel.  !'or eiample, when  I went to Shanghai,   B
            I went in the Pearl TV  'lbwer   to look out
            the area.                                          Exofiple convefiotion
         B: I like to lounge around.  My favorite  l.acation   Ar What  do you feel like doing today?  Do  lou  want
             was when  I wmt to a beach resort and didn t do      to tnke n guided  tour?
             anlthing  for a whoie  week.                      B: Um, guided tounare too crowded.  ld rather
                                                                  explore on our owr
         2 Conversatioh
                                                               5 Speak with Confidince

            ]\,tlay  and Ali.ia  are in London.
                                                                  Answ€ru  will vary.  Sample  answer.
            They dis.uss  guided  touis,  exploring  ori then  own,
                                                                  1.  qo  siqhtseeinq  or  qo  to a theme  park
            \p urging.   5rickrng ro lhei, budger.-hey  Plefe  10
                    "nd                                           2. bu nqe on a beach  or do advenlure  spOrts
            explore  on their  dwn, and they decide  to splurqe.
                                                                  3.  go ftountain'climbing  orgoscuba  dlving

                                                               Exomple conversation
                                                               A: Do  yor.r think we should  go mountain  climbing
                                                                  or go scuba diving?
                                                               B: It rvould probabry be o good idea to go
                                                                  mountain  climbing  ioday becar.rse  $,e cant climb
                                                                   mountains right after scuba  difing.
          34      Lesson 27
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