Page 49 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 49

Lesson 29 Did you see the game?

                                                                  Optional  Activity
             l  Vocabulary                                        H4ve Jtudents.find  ihe.Flay  on words that Tristan
                                                                  u6esto  try to ahange the subject, providing  the
                                                                  anslver if necessary. (ln sports, o1,ertl7r is the exll?
                                                                  time ofplay because  there is a tia- ln comparies,
                                                                  oy€rfinrs is the houri,of  work beyond  the standard.)
                1. tied
                ,. shol
                                        a, iefir€€
                                                                  4 Pronunciation
            B                                                     [aD2,lra.k3s]
                                                                  If students find this diflicult to remember.  remind
            Example conve$ation                                   theru that wher  we xay positive statefients  \\ie
                                                                  are usually  happy  or eircited  (i.e..  with an
            Ar So would yrtu rathat  wrtch youl favorit€  taanl
                                                                  attitude), wher€as  when we sdy negatil.e things,
               win irl a blowout  or d elos€  gaEre?
                                                                  we often  sad or disappointed (i.e., emotionally
            B: A ciose game because  they  are so much mole
               exciting.  Hlw abaut  you?
            2 Conversation
                                                                  Example conveisotiAn

            A                                                     A: You should  have seEn  the last shotl It was
                                                                     imazingl  lboth  said \qith raised ittouationl
            ICD 2,Tra.k33l
                                                                  B: If only  I hadn I been workitgl  [said  with  ]o$,rred
               Rbbef  ii tajl(ilrq ,bo!t;  Wodd  Cup soarlr ri\atn  ihai
               h€ wat hedrecently,
               Triltan  is  talkhg abor4  cars'and work.          5 Speak with Confiden€e

            Optional Activity
            Tdstar starts ialking about cals and thqn  his joh
            Is this  because  l-te.dqeldt  urderstand  what Robert
                                                                     Ahsweft wiu vary. Sairpld.answei
            ir talking  about?  (No.  He is trldng lo .hange the     I went  to the Olympics  a fe,  yeara  a:qo-.  Lt wa!
            subject  because h6's not realty interested in talking   .memorablehecause  vse wateh€d:the  United'states
            about  soccer with Robert.)                              wintheqold  rnedalln  icd hockey.

            ICD  2,TD.kJ4l
                                                                  Optional  Activity
               Addilional  5enten.6rlndiilined.                   After  students have disgussed their men1orqble
               Rqbe*i  Uh -..the  WOfld Cup.  .  . srazil.  \,{iaa h.GdrblEI lL  expe  mces',  haye  theln  practice  the conyeirsatiol
               !i/e3 a cldsd oailiE;                                    feigning disinterest  by changing  the subject.
               Trrstar:  oh?1..5o, di, you  khow  wh3! tind oJ<arthat i9?
               Ireall:r'  like (                                  Exomple convettation
               Tijstan:  Did they?  sp€aking.ofov€rtimg,  did  1 mentiqn
               how muth Iv" oepn so'rinq  arey? lve beer wpling   A: Ha\.e  you  been to any itmorable  sports eveDts?
                                                                  Br Yeah,  I werrt  to the Olympics  a few years ago. It
                                                                     was dernonable  because we l\.atched the United
                                                                     States win tle gold  medal nr ice hr;ckey.
                                                                  A: Spesking of gold, did you  see rhat gold is at dn
                                                                     all-time.high  again?

                                                                                                Lesson 29     X7

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