Page 52 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 52

Lesson 32 What's your oPinion?

          l  Vo(abulary                                        tCD  2,1ftck421

          A                                                       Additional undenined.
                                                                  NeM  announceri  Wdre  here in froft of Eit'/ hall  to-d.Ey
          nmffi ffi ilnfiiim]mnxtm-rLi]fr]lmfl  llfl ffi l,[xii]]ilil  where  citizehsare waiting  tojoin atown neeing
             Answer5  will vary. Saniple;nswer,                   abbutnefi  yea/s  bqd!jet...Otherswant.better  rd:ds
                                    7,                            Ler'ilalkjajallc!fthelL
             ,/ 2.                  a,                            Citiren  l: The  way  I see'it ihe  (11v.,.  ltendto  think
                                  Own  idea:make moie             that  people  shovld driv€  less, andrhev cant  do that
                                                                   withour  good public transPortEtion.  We need better
                                  nfier-school  Piograrns
               5"                 Own  idea:  make  a festival     tlains and  buses.
               6.                 rhatwlll  binq visito6 and       i{ews  aftnouncer:  one if your fellow  aitizdn  believes
                                                                   .  . . what ;re  ydur thoughs on that  jssue?  DsJo!  aqr!?

                                                                4 Pronunciation
          Exafiple  aonvelsalion
          A: I think the city should  repair  the  Potholes-   Sqme
             ofthem are big enough that a car coulal  get stuck  tcQ  2, Track 4ll
             in thehl
                                                                .  If necessarv, remird  students  that  t\,vo syllable
           B: I .qree. Bur lil'ominl  .neciD.houldrrake            no-nr i:lrr ai. n;vc  -tre", on lhe l,r.l  .\ ll,i\le.
              mo;e rler -.hoo'  prog-am'  ThlL worrld  8i\c        'lhi,  ..nrr.  ,1. s:th vero\,:o lhet reed to
             kids something  to do so they dorit  8et  jnvolYed    rcmember the stress lbr each woid until thei'
              in gangs,
                                                                   have  a natural  feel for which  syllable to $ress.
                                                                .  Point out that the first s]4lable  in each wod
           2 Conversation                                          (re  , tu', im) is sinilar to  (although  not)  4  Preiix.


           tcD 2,Track4ll
                                                                Exomple conversation
                                                                A: The wa,v I see it, we have to incr€ase  the budget
             'Otized  1 wants  the city  to, spend  money  on improving  fo! repairing pothdles,
              p! bli. transponation.                             B: I tend  to think that the first thing  the cily should
              Citieen  2 wanBthe  city tospehd  monev  on
                                                                    improve is citl bui1di4g9
                                                                 C: It seems  io ma that we haveto  inclease  the
                                                                    nurnber of schools.
                                                                 B: I nere are a lot Jl Inir8.  we need lo do...

                                                                 5 Speak with Confidence

                                                                    Ansieers  will vary. Sam  Ple  anlwer.
                                                                    English edu.ation  at yoqnger ag€s
                                                                    Teachinq  other  la ng  uages  iniuniorand  senior
                                                                    hlgh school
                                                                    Globalwarmlng  and climaie changes

            40      Lesson 32
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