Page 56 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 56
Speak Now 4
3 I can't stand it when. . . Vocabulary Worksheet 3
Pefl 1
Match the r.ords on the left with thetu definitions on the right.
1. arogant a. to pretend like you donl see or hear someone or something
2. chew b. to put something in on€ place lbr n Period of time
3. etiquette c. to start talking 1!-hile someone e]se is talking
4. ignore d. not polite
5. interrupt e- the rules about vhat is good and bad behavior
6. leave i to look at someoDe or something for a long time, ofien with yotlf e,ves $'ide open
7. rude g. believing you are better than other people
8. star€ h. to make food snaller ns you eat it
Part 2
Use the bold words from Part 1 io complete ench sentence. You n1ay hnve to thange the forms ofthe
1. I hare it $,Ien people me Nhen I'm speaking.
2. I cant stand it when people pretend like I'm not even there, jusi
3. It bugs me when people dilq' dishes in the sink.
4. It gets on my when peop.le with their moldhs open.
5. lt bugs me that he is always so . He does 't seem to eveD know that he is being imPolite
6. I cant stand it when my sister just at rre blankly rather than ansrvering mv questions.
7. He is so . He alnays tl,inks het right and everyore else is 1{'rong l'hat really gets
8. Most people dont have good manners anymore 'lhey all need io go to schooll
Part 3
What thirgs bother you? Use the bold words t'iom Part 1 to rank them froln 1 (most anrroying) to 8
(Ieast anooying)- In ctass, compate )'our ideas in small groLtps. S,vmpathize wilh youl Pa ners as they
talk aboLLt what bothers them.
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
44 Lesson 3 O Oxford lJniversity Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use-