Page 61 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 61

8 lt's just           not rnything.                                                    Speak  Now4

                                                                                            Vocabulary Worksheet 8

              Pafi 1
              Use thc l,ordd it1 the trox to comllete each phrase.   you  qan  use the worils rrne than on.e. If  a word. is

              1. ku"p                    with old friends
              2. pdtticipate                  sociaL networking

              3. pqst messages                   wall.

              4. share  linl<s
              5. be cdnneafed                    friends

             6. upload                     phutus
              7. tag.people                   phoios

              Part 2

             Hbw oflen  doyc,u do these actiyities? Write  the completed  phmses  from  part  1 in the bqrr Ealumn lirr
             )rcu.   ln class. compare you-r  ms$.ers lfith a paltl1er.

                      Many times a dav                   Orce a day                  less  than once a alay

                                                                                    keep up v lh oldlrien4a

             Part 3

             Compiete  thB corryersation I'ith the completed  phrqses lrom PAri 1.and  your  ir.wn ideas. In class,
             placlice  the con1ersalion  with two  cldssinates.

             A: I    donlt  ree r"hy  e\'"iry(ma  doesn t u5s Facebook. ti's a grdat way 1d
             B: I'm s!}re it can be ftrn, but it'sjust not fbr rne. lt takes  a lot of dme. IA rdher
                .to keep in touch u,ith old friends.                                             (2)

             C: But if you don t u.6e Face.lzqok, hgw do yon see dll yau! frieqdd piarrlres?  And hdw do you
                                              _i'l hat: hos I heir Jbout r" rhe  oe5. videos.
             B: I gness itt just rot  rea11y  my thlng.

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