Page 36 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 36
Lesson 19 lf I could go anywhere...
1 Vo<abulary 3 Language Booster
. Yorr rrii8ht ]{ant to te]l stu&nts that we call
ihese wishes \nreal' becaNe the
situaliens are improbable, ifnot impossible. For
exa]mp\e, lf I tould do anythixg I would fly is
physirally impossible, but 1va can have the wish.
. Point out that we use abrll and a present tense
lcrb n the Jar,.e ,nd /o,/y':n rhe n-,jir
part of the sentencs Iror exanrple, Ifl could go
an),:/',h€rc, I would go to BfttziL
If students lwit.h delelop and esrarlish, explain
ihat de?elo? implies somethirB exislrbut becomes . Remind students that l^{en e make these
big€er or better. Because we dodt currertly h6-e cohditionlls withoui corld, we ali{aya use irer.e
any colonies on the.i.roon, we ganrot develop them, for the b€ verb in the fclause.Ior exrmple, IfI
br.rt we could establish (start and then allow to gain vere a d.octor. IA fty fu firtd a cute for cancer
accepta.nce) a moon colon)r
4 Pronunciation
Exoinple aonve$dtion A
A: Ifyou could do aq,thing, whar wouldyoudo? [aD 2, Track 09]
Remind students that they pleviously strdied using
B: i lrorld e4lore ihe Amazon. What about you?
low lone to shotr negative emotiirn (pitge 43).
2 Conversation B
Exomple conve$ation
ICD 2, Tra<k 07] A: So, if you could do an).thing, what would you
do? [high tone]
B: lf t could do an6hhg, I would explore the
Alex's dr6am is to bea scieftistand discover.Liras for Amazon. lhigh tonel
dkeasesJAlex5drearn is to hav€ a differemjob.
S?ndrabdrEam is.totakea vacatlon to the Bahamas
and exielore underwbt€i cves. 5 Speak with Confiden(e
c A
tC0 2,Trirtk 031
You might want to tell students that Gloda Steinem
is a wriier nnd aciivist who has been involved in
eqmlity movemenis tbr o\''er40 yeais. Victor Hugo
Saadrni I kilbwl I could usB:! va(dtion. I haven t taken a
\{as a French writer perhaps best known for leJ
s"iJii^iot ot, i,:, o..u',tu1 rhe,e. se.o'd, r could Misirnbles and The Hunxhbtkk oJ Natre Dam4
explor€ underwa&r caves. AEd L<oul!L!.icj4lhe4!.
Alex: I would d]s.over.ures iir diseases. Also, Exqnple conversotion
lve alwavs loved rclence.
Ar Wlrat do you fiink? Do you thinh dreaming is a
fprm ofplaming?
B: Ive thqught about it before, but yeah,
I guess I do. Someti es dreanrs become
reality becanse ofthe wal we work thein out
heiorehand. So I guess I agree with Ht1go, too.
24 Lesson'Ig