Page 31 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 31
Lesson 15 The first thing you need. ..
'l Vocabulary 4 Pronunciation
tCD l,TE k 391
. Tell students that in casLrol conversdtion we use
ngtrt much more.qfte! thrtt isn't it, afenl lou.
1,9,:e .1, .b .and other Similar tag question fotmr.
zf,a;e 4.h,d
. Point oirt that nuhber 2 iS ,etually a statemerf
that has beehturned into a quesiion b]. using
dsing intonation.
Ex npleconveBnton . You might want to have students.turn number 2
intl} a quesdon (So are you saying that I turn on
A: Wlat is the word for how mlch you save o11
your purchaite? the alaim befole I loak the front door?) and asL
the question again, using sing intonation-
B: Thatl the discount.
2 Conversation
Exomple cgnvercqtion
A A. (Same as Laquage Booster 3 example,)
B: So what you're saying is that I have tO watch the
bread very caretully while it is broiling, right?
The fi6l slep in .oqplitinq a,5ales iransa.tion is to
. enrcrvour employee (ode on lhe rou(h\c.een. 5 Speak with Confidence
The lait step:rio hit the"oral'|ry $ you see the
'toial afiisuntal thetop ofthe iirsh rigisiei
tCD l,Tra.kl&l Answers will vary. Sampl€,answer,
r. [,4ix flour, bakinC powder and sajtroqether-
2: eEarn butterand sugartogether'beforc adding
Additiohril sd ences unilerllned. vanilia.
. Pninl L td 5how you h'ow to cofiplele a,salF.r 3. Siowly add the flour iiixtu € ahd hilk ro the builei
trdnr.lion...lhen \can the bar code on the fijst rten
to il . rntogna,ltto scan each'tem onD 4. P.aurihto pan andbake fur?0 25 rnlnutes.
lm portant thing to keep in mind:The mirererhould
Pamr Exactly. The next step irto make surc that the .be.smooth be{ore you p'our it into the pan-
iustOroer gdts th€@radct diic{ruht ifthe lieh ls oil
Eiotuple .onvesotion
The first thing you need to do is Eix.the flqun
baking powde6 and salt togelher. The next step
is to creim together the butter and sugar ard
3 Language Booster then add the vanilla-
So youie saying the butter and sugar are
B complgtely mixed before you add the vaoilla?
A: OK. I'Il tell you how to make gailic toast. I love Right. Afier. . .
garlic toastl The first thing yau need to do is cut
the bread, butter ii, and spread garlic on. Aftqr
yodva done that, you bioil it. Its iinportant to be
careful that you dorlt burn it It only takes a 1bw
seconcls for delicious bread to turn blackl
Lesson l5 19