Page 32 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 32

Lesson 15 l'm heretotalkabout...

            Paqe 38
            1 Vocab_u1ary

                                                                     Speakdi  l,m  h:ere  to iatk  a bolt how  ro have a
                                                                    fl.cessfql inlervjew:.  _you  shouldalso  rehearse  with  a
                                                                     spealer  Ne^r,lefs  eslore  way. ro mdk6a gooo rrll
               Answers wilhaay.  Sample  answet
                                                                    'moresion  .i.\ also mpo-larr  ro be  po(:nve...l
               reh€rse  with a fti-"nd
                                                                    Speaker  Does  anyon€  have  gny qllesrions? j
               retaard thE cbmpany
               piepE.e  a JilI of queatibns                         stldbni  Yes, at the beginning.ofyour preser|]lai]on,
                                                                    you  said  we sholl-d  resarch the company.  shouJd we
                                                                    prepdre" ot qJesrio-,  to dsl.]4
               dr$s profeirionally

              talkabour what yo!  dont  tik€ to do
                                                                 3 Language  Booster
              {ay negativ€ things
              wfie a ihank yon note
                                                                    Remind students. thar presentations  are like
           B                                                        reports: they  start $,ith an introduction,  have
                                                                    a body'i{,ith  the coDtent,  ard finish  with
           IfJou  ha\.e studeots  liom difterent  cultures: after
           lhe j.air uorl,. vou nry ndnl to ha,e  .tuden..  .hare
                                                                    Iaplain  that mmy  speaker-s ask the arldience to
           the answe$  \\,iih the  class alld then talkabour
           ho*  -uhu-:ldirfereI.e.  ma)  ,nfluen(e   hlrd s         sail  In d.I que\tion.  unr:l xlrer,he  prpccnl"tron
           eonsrdered.rppropriate.                                  i, u\er. and thi, (dr  b( re,erreo  lo a. \e  e  & A
                                                                    {qu.siior  and insi{er rime).
           Exqmple conuc$otion                                      Have students divide the "giving presentarions,,
                                                                    expressions  into parts  of the prcsentation
           A: Did,vou  check  "urtte  a thank you note,?
                                                                    /rnlrudllcliu.l:  fir,l  .$o  li,re"r boo,.:  ,nird  rro
           B: Yes,I did. It's sonlething  you shoutl  do after
                                                                    bu th line,r corrJr ,ron: finh.:re;e  & A:f.nat
              the interview
           2 Conversatlon
                                                                 4 Listening
           W                                                     lCDl,Tfack4ll

              The sp€aker  is givinq  a pieremation  abour  ho\,/  to
                                                                      Howro  talk  to.your  bosi  abouryour  achievemeit,
              have  a succe$ful  interview.
              forthpspcond  queston,  srude.ts  (rouJd  qrvcone  ot
             the followinq  answers:                                  How ro  9€talong betterwith  your  co-\i/drke6  and
                                                                   your !upo'vr5or
              ras€.ifch  the comrany
             bepuoatuai                                            /  How to alk  for inore rnoneyormor€  responsibi ty
             P.epar€  a ligt of  quEsgciB
             rehearse  wittt a niend

                                                                   students  should  write  any four  of rhesetips.
                                                                   Heeedn  l- conpdny\ poypo,itie.j  as( bols  whdr  vo-
                                                                   need  ro oo ro gpra rdi\- orpromo!,on, rpt oo\ ;har
                                                                   you  bring to fte company;  rehearie rneerhq;  dress
                                                                   profe$rona  lv; be  oosrtive

          20       Lesson i6
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