Page 27 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 27
Lesson 12 You have a point, but...
Page 28
I Vo(abulary
Mla: Yeah, it is. . .l only use these now, 3
P.aular But aren't ihose light bqlb6 kind oI expensivet"
Mia:Suri, theylte a:Udk doib axpensiver but
ld,l a iot lonqer thdn rn(drdeecefi buhrs. And rhevre,,l,iili vrry. Sarrtpleranlwer"
befl"r hcr the environme. t op(ause r,reyle enF'sy.
Thingi thafhurt tha envirormont
ghbal nvaiining
Pi Ia: Yolr h€v€ a pqinq bur it! lrill (ostt, t
getnhduse gases
fhingi tliar <ad iinprdve,the anvtroiiih€nf
enerery-elf icieht!pplilnce!
reqyclinq 3 Language Booster
rcdnei& \a.E;ie,
Ftbli. in nsportatidn
'hybiid eir! B
iedleLli t4oLri.tldr.blon f dltpiinr.
Exomple @nve$ation
Optiohal Activity Ar If ewryooe drort a hybrid car it rrouid teduce
.lrhieh earbon eftiSsjdns.
lfuve students gel intoi groups ard discrr6s
eategory they placed ench wold in- When students B: That ftay be true, but on the ilthdr hand hybrids
still use gasoiine.
hdve difference {rf opinidnqr encourage them to
pirvidre reasons for their answels.
4 Listening
Example cahversqtion
KD r,Tia.k3tl
A: One uar I prure.,Ihe env.runment i\ lo carry
my own eoffee cup. Then I don t have io use
Iaper cupt. l. a.
B: That's a good idea. Oie thi[g I do is dry my 3. b.
clqthes outside in the surl Then I do.n'i ha\,.e to
' us€ energy on a tlothes dr).e;
tCD l,Tb.kf]l
2 Conversation
lcD r,Tia<k iol
5 Speak with Confidence
'Mia uses aFL Ljulbr b.caqsr they tasr iorcer.thag
irc:rnd€in6ni.bulb;and *-;y'rc beeet toithe
P?lrlridoelrt ltarji to l]iecFl bjjltii b6(ar66 th6i aie
eypen\ive.shE also isnl.pMin CIL bulbs jle rhp De(r
.ch9i.e lor iha 6nviron!n-6ni InEw€Yk willvary. Strqile aalwer
WaYta thecivlrintmehii
use publq ra6h6rFtion in3ieitd qfdtivioq
PeBu63iia aiEuh€nt9:
ean sleep, re?d:or da wdrk rnthe.,lhirn driva
Reduc€s Grbon footDrint
Donl have to payforparling
Ga5 ii gettihg mdre dxpemivg all rhe iime
Lesson l2 15