Page 22 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 22
Lesson 8 lt's just not my thing.
t Vo(abulary 3 Language Booster
Point out that $;het expressing an opinion, the
speaker often acknowledges the value of the other
Answer! will yary- Sample a6swer:
persofi idea. AIso poinl out thnt the speaker doesnt
1. llext olltae social netwoiding itte5 to keepup with
old friends. refer to the idea in a negative way (foi example, rhe
2, Of course I pa*icjpate in _soclal netwo*ihE. apeilker doesrit say Fa.ebook is so stupid),
3- l.pon rnessages on peopl-4 !r? least twice
a diiy. I
4- | shaielinksfo artialbs and iideosabour on.c
Example conversgtion
5. l'rn conneded td.abo!t.8soiieopte:{thiouqh
so.dl networkind. A: I dont rea11y understand why you doot like
6. I uplodo a.d tag p"ople in photo\ ollthe tme. spending time on social networks.
I'm sure it can be fun, but it's not for ine. Why
B do you lik€ it?
Encourage students to ask follow-up quesiioDs and Urell, I get rcj keep ii touch $'ith old friends,
include more details in thet answeis. and...
Exomple convertation
4 Listening
A: So how do ou keeF up with old friends?
B: 1 text or use social fttr Jorking sites to kedp up
with old friends. Therei no other way to keep up
laD I,Track2ri
with everyone.
2 Conversation
lcD r,Th.k20l
ICD l,Thck2rl
Nitrlik€s ro kee'p uFj ti',th otd fiiendi and
with new iiends bn Fa@bodh she.atsb tikei ro:ihdiR
photos ard checl qot orhel aeople! linl<s-
Pilter8i (Ben):Can keeir tra.k of € nd share things you
Andydoesn'r \pend nme6 Fdcebao^ oe,ause he3 c
aJd intdiesterl iiI great photos; qers lors of art idlai
piirateh€iloi End isnt inter$ted in Facebook.
Fdcebook: (Ben. Dana) lrre,enrnq posrs
TwittEx (Dena) Cqn aoitnectwith thoulands.of
peoplearound de wgrld \rith Emeinteresri;tah g6t
information and news updaEs
.ArjiJyr Oh; 56ll, I haidly evelll.aii thoae messases. t'
AndY: ltljlsiiot ieafli my thin$ 4 5 Speak with (onfiden<e
N lna, Rairly? J don't see why you doit likb !6 be
Nina: Y!ah,l cEn u hders!,nd that Bur I alsoi likd tb
chefk ooi tbe Iink that people3hare. 3
Exonple @nvercatidn
A: Why dodt you like to skil
Br I haie the cold,
10 Lesson 8