Page 23 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 23


            English in Action                                     D: Whar else dld you ha\€ in common?
                                                                  C: $'e both liked sports, and we both loved  eating
                                                                     all kinds ofjunk food.
            l  Preview
                                                                     Did you hit it off right arval?
                                                                  Speak Now
               Answers will vaiy. Sample  answei.
               a. 4 (or3)They  are havinS a nice  time together
               b.  2 Ihey  feel awkward  and  shy-                Provide  an example ofeach conv€rsation
               c. 3  (or  4) They are stalting  to relax.
               d. I Tley  are neryous.
                                                                  If many  stlrdents need  more practice  \| ith a
                                                                 pafiicular unit, you might $.ant to review  it in class.
            2 Practice
                                                                  5 Exdmple @hvetsation
                                                                  A: Hi. I'm Edga.
                                                                  B: Hi, Idgar. I m Heidi.  You look familiar.
                                                                  A: Do you ever go to D dnce the Nighf Awal? I'm a
               Wordins o, answers vrill vaiy. sample  answe6.
                                                                     guitar player in the band there.
               1. Tom ir qoing  to the.afe  because hk friend,  Anna,
                 j'rstopened  it./Hes  going toa sdrallparry.     B: Ah, that's where I ve seen  )_ou.  How did  )iou  get
               2.  Alex  doe5ntwant  to go  wlth Toin because Alex   interested in playing the guitar?
                 thinks Anna  i5 mean.
               3. Tom and Anna  are old friends.fiom  ard Annaqrew  6 Example convesation
                                                                  A: How about trying out a new raw food
               4. Kate  and  Anna exercisetoq€ther.
               5. Kate hasseenTom in picture!on  Facebookbecause
                 Kates  brothert  bestfriend  wai Tom's  roommate.  B: Going out sounds fun, but Im afraid I dont
               6. Tom saysthk because  they  have  mutual
                                                                     think Iil like rarv food.  What do you say we go to
                                                                     a caf-e to listen  to lny friendi  band instead?

                                                                  7 Exomple convertation
                                                                  A: Do  ),ou  know the new .lub president?
             '  Wording  of ahsw€rs will vary students  should  wdte  B: Yeah,  why?

               three  ofthe  follow'ng  answe6.                   A: She seems  really  sarcasiic.
               They are both  friends  with  Anna.
                                                                  B: I used to think  she was, too, but the truth  is she
               rhFy  borh lovewatching  comme,, rdl. ard'oo(ing
                                                                     is quite s$,eet.
               at advertisements.
               Neitheris  interested in eallng  shabu'shabu.
                                                                  I  Example  convercdtion
               They both  love pasta.
               They both  know Eric  A4artino.                       I dont get $,hy you like Sklpe so much.
                                                                     I can  see my friends  as we talk, and it's free.
            3 Discuss                                                I'm surc i! can be fun, but I like chatting online
                                                                     better. With chat,  you can do other  things at the

            Exafiple  conve6otion
                                                                  B:  I can  see rfu some people like thnt,  but its just
            A: So, do you like to meet new people?                   not for me. I lil(e to see people',s reactions.  I guess
            B: Yeah. Itt fun to learn  about people. How             rl."r. u h) lju5( dor I get ul-yyou  love blogging.
            C: i like to meet newpeople, too. One time I
               nlet a guy. It turns out ffe had three friends in
               common, and wea both gone  on the same siudy
               abroad  program. It really  is a  "small  worId."

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