Page 25 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 25

Lesson 10 ldecided to...

                                                                  For cxample:
            'I  Vocabutary                                        (Cetting  rid ofa lot olpapers)  sounds  like a gooLl
                                                                  idea, but (scanning)  tak€s  a lot oirime.

                                                                  4 Listening

               3. Tidy !p
                                                                  taD I Tra.[  25]

                                                                     forgor  whar  dorhes  she had  and whatthey  tooked  tke
            Exomple conversotion                                     5  9et  rid ofsome  clothes  and  books
            A: I thirk clutter .an m:rke it hard to think.           she hastoo  mu.h ofeverything/her room  s too sma  I
                                                                     to hold everyth  ng she  has
            B: I disagree.  I don't lhink \'ou  hi1\,.e to hale a neat  I  neaten  up c oset
               home  to think and be organized.                      make it easierto flnd.lothes so she can de.idewhar
                                                                     to wear  more q!.k y
            Optional Activity                                        4 make roonr on bookshelf
                                                                     bought  new  books and  needed  to make  room  for
            Flave stu.lerrls get into palrs ard dis.uss  hol'their
            lanilr members  deal w.ith  clutter.  For eriample,  ,.l1.],
            nron  sa;,s  1ou  shoukl  neyer  k)uch mnil thlce, sa she  can neverfind  anything  in the desk
            n?e$ tlt mdiL a d tllen daes Nhdt sh,: re€ds  b do
                        . r , ,,, (   '.  .  :'   ,t.'o.:. i  rt   )  Optional  Activity

                                                                  Does Tina recll) hale class nor'? (No. IIer answer
            2 Conversation                                        is  iust  .r polite $.a) to sa,v she doesnt \ranr to help
                                                                  Sandrr  get organized.)

                                                                  Se€ answers  abor.--
               Leo c eaned up his workstation  and  qot organlzed.
               He got  organized  becaus€ hecou  d neverfind
               anything and  he was always doing thlngs at the       Speak with Confidence

                                                                     Answers will vary.  Samp  e a.swer.
               MichelerHey,  Leo.Yourdesk  ls so neat now.2          L Cet  a s.annerto  organize  papers on desk
               A4ichele:Thatli  greau  And  is rhar  a calendar  on your  2. Give  ihe books  l've read  1o frlends  who wanfthem
               .omputer screen?  3                                   3.Try on c othes  and  9€t  rid ofthose thardont fit
               Leo:Yes,  it is.Im always procrasrinating  and dotng  4. Eat food in my holse before lb!y  newfood
               things at the iasi minute,  so tdecided  to make a
               s.hedule for myselfand  stick to it.4              B
               Leo Not really...And  I think  my desk  is too neat now:  1
                                                                  Exa mple  <onversation
                                                                  A: i decided I shoLLld  gel a scanner.
                                                                  B: Hor, would  that help 1ou organiz€ your lite?
            3 Language  Booster
                                                                  A: I could scan all the papers  in lnv room and then
                                                                     throw  them at'ar
            You night \\.ant to have studenis brainstorn          C: Since I can never  lind the papen  I need,
                                                                     I dccided  lo buI some  l-ile lblders  dnd file
            e\pressions  to use irstead ofcxpressing  approral.
                                                                     c\.€rything ar!'a):
                                                                                               Lesson t0      13
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