Page 24 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 24
Lesson 9 What exactly is a. . . ?
Poge 22
I Vocabulary tCD I naclt231
Additional sentences.underlined.
ffiflf#dlnnmfimiru1]fixflflmflirflX]lmm,lnlm Eric Yeah, l'm h uqgry too. Where do :
Eric l've been wanting [ol.yrhe
Eric l've been wantinq [ol.yrhe newnewsandwi.h
Ahswers will vary. s"mple a nswer.
place. A'l'heirlood is orgdn{ and ocalry4oured tt!
NotatalltrLe Somewhattrue
luli l'ln not sure whatyou"loaattr-lour.edl,
l'\€ never heard of thin,hefoiel
7, 4 Pronunciation
Optional Activity ICD 1,In.k?41
. Have students define the differenae bdti{.een x
Have students ide[ti{y t}re wold! ir the exatnple
vegan and a vegetarian, providing the answer if convenation in Language Booster Part B that should
necessarl (A 1/e&'11 is a stdct vegetadanj a vcgan be.stressed (for example, cant eat pizza, dietary
doesnt eat dairy prr:ducts and doesn t use aDimal restrictions, what, meaD).
products (such as leather). Some vegetarians eat
ch€ese and other dairy pioducts.) B
' Have studerts dedu€e the two parts ofthe $,ord
Exofiple conveBatioh
lordr.rre. provicling the answer if n ecessar y.
lLoca for local a:nd rare as is used in rr,'niroi?, A: I'm a locavole, but iti kind of hard.
hetbit'ore. A locatori is apermn liho tries t'o eat
B: I'm not sure ho$, youonly eat Iocal food.
locally-grown food whenever porsible. )
A: WeI1, I have a garden, and I go to the fsrmer,s
. HJ\ e ,tudenl. dcrer n- ine \nw lo,ah) ^our.ed an- market eyery weekald.
/o, dvole dre djll.renl. prn\idints lhe dn.wer if
necassary (lo9all7 sqalced clescribes food r'hile a
loravore is a persoh) 5 Speakwith Confidence
A: How did you answer the first itemi Answerswill vary. Satuple iinswer
B: IcheL(ed ''rot at rll ,rue be.arr*Inererea. Foods ),pu like E eai mdkies, pdrato chipj
Foods you dont eat: li\,€r
junk foo.d.
Food!you eatfiequently:.hj.ken, vegetabtes
Fobds you should eat more often:fruits
Exomple conve$otion
A: I love to eatjunkfood.
B: wllat exacdy is iunk lood ra you?
Julia wants to 90 to a
downiown. Cookies, potato chips, stulllike that.
Eria do€sa't wanr to !o thlra be<ause he is a veqan, C: Do you eat that ldnd of foqd every day?
and be(ause he doeint like rdreat jun k food.
Yeah. I know it's I]ot good for rne, but 1 need the
energy to stuah. and \{'ork.
wh"t do orr ne.n worll Do ou ndve J job
l )
n'hile going to srhool?
12 Lesson 9