Page 28 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 28

Lessons 9 to 12 Review

         English in Action                                        it the samc time.  I didrt ha\.e time to chal bul
                                                                  m), roommate'kept t4ing  to .hat. \\rhar kirds of
                                                                  things do yolr do at the sa rc tinle?
         l  Preview                                            A: \\rell, I watch TY and surl the \\ieb lrhilc I
                                                                  edt dinnel
                    ....  ..                                   B: And I tcxt, drive,  listen  to music,  and talk or the
            Arswers will va  ry.  5a mp eanswer.                  phone  at the same  tine.
             think  rMaria istryi.g to save enerqyand  do
                                                               C: Uh, tha! doesrl sound vcry  safe.

                                                               Speak Now
         2 Practi(e

                                                               Pror.icle  an example  ofeach  corversctiLrn

                                                               Iinlan) students need  rnore pra.tice  11.ith  .r
            Ln  2 lpdatjnq+leit4og                            p,rrlicular  unit. \'olr nlight want tlr re\-i€r'it l  class.
             reading  a lot ofb ogs  phenechattlng  on ine
            Ln 3ln ordertoffi                                  9 Example convesotion
             ftneyln order  to                                A: i can't cat lasrgra. I am on a dair) free dlet.
             reduce her mpacton    Ln I at a p?*   at a
             the envronmentand                                 B: \\'hrt do,!ou mean br.dtrir)  liee diet?
                                                              A: A rlai1' free ilict is $,hen  you  dorit eat anv
            Ln 4 use #a6Hi9hts
                                                                  Dilk, .he€sc,  or other  ]nllk  products.  I'm
            Ln 5 rery@ately         pffihad  the same             lactose  intolerx  t.
             feeling pretty  stressed
                                                               1O Example @nvetsotion
                                                              A: I .lecided  to get a complcte  malieorer because I
                                                                  think it will heh me gct .1 b€tler  job.
                                                               Br Thati great.  I de.ided  t,.) reorganlze mr home
                                                                  b.., ..  rl  ,l I r...e.  ..r .  r.  ,  I rg
                                                                  for stuft.
         3 Discuss                                            ,{: GoodforlouJ  1mahvqs.  .

         Iisone  students arc doing most ofth€ talliilrg,
                                                               1'l Exomple conversotion
         stop the dilcussion. Remind students that they can
                                                              A: I spend  a lot of tine shoppjng.  tu1d because
         irclude ever)-one in the g.oup b\.asking  the quieter
                                                                  I spend  a lot of time shopphg,I dont qrend
         students  their opinions  (for erarrple,  by asking  Hor.r
                                                                  enoush  time  stud),iDg.  I should  really  lnake
                                                                  stud,ving  more of a prDrit\l
         Exonple  conve6ation                                 B:    cheDge,  l'ou  tlrst need lo recognize what rou
                                                                  need to chanqc,  so iI sounds like,!ou are on the
         A: \\'ho r\rculd \-ou rather havc  as a roommate,
                                                                  right path. L..
            Iiaria or Kate?
         Br Kate, because I don'l think  lou  can scL'\\,irh   12 Exonple  conversation
            candles  ar nighi.  And I tlink }lariir doesnr
                                                              ,{: Ifer.c'ryone  rode  a bike  to school or lork, then
            respe.t Kate  enough.  Resp€ct  is ar importarr
                                                                  thcrc rLould be a lot less air pollution.
            qralitv in a roommate-  Ho$'about  )ou?  tr!'Lat
            qlLalities  do  )rcu  thrnli are important  in a good  B: \bu har.e  a point,  brLt then  rveil get to rvork  all
                                                                  hot and s\\.eat1: \\l'c .an't look like  prolessionals
                                                                  alier blking to l.ork.
         C: Beirg  able to rcrd each other's  moods.
                                                              A: 1-ou could chtrnge clothes alter  getting  there.
         D: Oh,  ).enh,  I agree. The other dal-, I uas rryiDg to
            write  x reirort,  do laundn,  and cook dinner all  Br I sce whdl vou rrrean, but how r,'oLLld   ,vou  carr',v a
                                                                  sltit to rlork if \.ou lr€re biking?

         16      Lessons  9 to 12 Review
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