Page 29 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 29

Lesson 13 My short-term goal is...

              Optional  Activity

              Befole  stlldents  open their haoks, have the get iflto  3 Language  Booster
              small groups  aod talk abolt.wiar   io!  they wo;ld
              like to hdve, if thq. could have anlioh  (i.e., their  A
              dreanr job). AlSo  have students imagine  rvhat they
                                                                    You may w lt to l1ave  studenrs  brainstorm  other
              might  oeed  to do !o get tirnt job (lot empple, tatg
                                                                    qre..;nn,  ro a.k aoout rmhi :on,.  ,  Tor e\"'nD,e,  Ou
              &n exam to hea lavye!).
                                                                    you \vant !o have  a &mi\8)
              PsSe  32
              t Vocabulary                                          4 Pronunciation

                                                                       If Decessary,  tell.students  that compound nouns
                 2.t                                                   I]fe t!i.d or more  wirrds  buL,actar  a single unit.
                .3, q                                                  ExplAin  that they  can  b9 madified  lik€ any odreg
                 4,f               E.                                  noun  (frrr  example,  with  adjectives  air.d other
              B                                                        Remind  ltudenli  lhat  we notl1lally  stess
                                                                       mportanl  sord.. I-\plajn  lh.rr ,he speaLer  u5e,
              Exomple conve$qtion                                     Saess  to help  the liltefler differentiaLe eompound
                                                                       nouns 6om noun8 with adiectives. Ior eltampl,e,
              A: Wtat atc your shoi1-rerm  goak?
                                                                       a gteerl,orre  is a building h whi.h 1ve giow
              B:  I want to take an EDg]isil Elas6 this  s].rlnmer.
                                                                      p1aff. ljut a gi'se,  }odse is a house that is
                 Mlat  are youf, LrE tefm goals?                      painted  greeE.
              B:  I war! lo get n  iob  lrl an internatioilaL  businEss
                 comPanri.                                          B

                                                                   Exofiple ranvetsation
              2 ConveBation                                         A: WouJd  1uu  t. G rn entry  le!.e  iob  in rne  j:eld
                                                                       thJt  )1]u  re interested in?
                                                                       I hope  to get ajob \!ar kiqg in Aftica, helping
                                                                       people fird. hape,  but  to do that, I think I need
                                                                       to. do voluateer  lvork ffrst and the[ take an
                                                                      . ltrr-]evel
                luliaha  is grihg  to ao lnteryiew to be n:iprodu.iion          iob.
                riiaitEili.                                            That soBrdigreai.  Would  )ou  take  a  job  ever if
                 Den  wdnt! to be-a'nirilb.                           itt l1ot  part ofyour  long term gnol?
              IcD l, rdi:k nl
                                                                   5 speak with confiden€e

                Additlon'al und6 ined
                 D"n:What  kind oftoo  d.e you hootlg  to getlWhcl!

                Juliqnei well. I'rnli(eiviarift ifaft hdposition  6t
                                                                      Anrw.erl  will  yary.,  Sanple  anjevat
                prg4uaJro! qssiltani,  but  my long  ienlr  gtoql  ir@
                                                                      Shoftem  soal:  Da,,liunleer  \^!ik to learn mord
                belol,ire a fiJm.dire.tor..l trove  m'ovias.
                                                                      abolt  relief  aEencies,learn  French.
                Juliana  Hov/ a bout  you?.What  lield  do vou wa^t1
                adt into?                                             Longlterm  qoak:  Go to Afilca to help  peoplei

                                                                                                 Lesson 13     17
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