Page 34 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 34
Lesson 17 Are you afraid of. . . ?
Optional Activity
Beifote students open their books, ask them to say 4 Pronunciation
a few things that mary people are afraid of (for
example, getfing sick, losing a waltet).
ICD 2, Tra.k o4l
. If studerts are having problems recognizing
the differences. play the CD severa.i times.
1 Vocabulary Eacll time you qtop the CD, have students repeat
'the sentance.
. Say a sentence (lor example, l'm afraid I ean't
lome toright.) and have studerb identiry the
toue (1o$'). Try sayilg the seffence again with
the oplosite tore ard a-rk students ii they heard
the differdrce. Repeat with aalditional sentences
4, B
6. / Exatnpk conversation
A: Whati greatest fear? [Iow tone]
Br Im afiaid of tentipedes. 'l'hey give nr the
creeps, llow tone]
Example aanve5otian
A: I drcked "fear ofheightsl' Did you? 5 Speak with Confidence
B: No, I didn:t check that one, but I cheCked 'fear oI
Optional Activity
Answ€Ewill vary, Sample answe(
After stlrdents hale filished making their
cetting bad qrades
comparisons, take a class poll to discover the most
5nd least .oDrmon. lears for the students. Mis.lns my bl'l io s<hool
Ed€e6ng to .tudy foi a
2 Conversatlon
Exanple convercation
ICD 2, Trr.k 021
A: So,, vihat is everyone afraid ofi
B: Well, being away frotn nr7 aell phone for to.o
D.inibl l$l.frljd of iublic rilelaking. long ruakes me netvous,
Anftan, islf@id of;b.inti ih srrai!.5p?ce5
C: What?
(<lausirophobiaj- Hel al oaftald gfrnltes a rtd-sEiders,
B: Yeah. I m afrdd I might miss an importafi lext
or phone call.
ttD 2, Irack g3l D: Thatt inierestilg. So what's your greate$ fiar?
Additional sEhtencea uhderlinEd.
Da nie! llm really neryous. I fiave togive a presantatien
iorlorro,r\4 I have to talk in front of 200 oeople
Danieli RealLy? I didtrtklaqtlhlt
Anthony: No, nqt rqally. I eqi!y!qbk4caki!q.!!t!a!lx
22 Lesson 17